4 Common Web Design Errors to Avoid for Your Business

4 Common Web Design Errors to Avoid for Your Business

48% of consumers use the web design as a determining factor in whether a business is credible or not. This means it’s important to avoid some of the most common web design errors out there.

From not using the web design tools to having a website that isn’t mobile-friendly, you can cost your business customers and sales if you make these mistakes over and over again.

While we have you hear check out some of the other errors you’re going to want to avoid.

1. Not Having a User-Friendly Website Design

People spend a significant amount of time on their phones, which means they want to have access to mobile-friendly websites. This means that the same website design that can be accessed for your business on desktops can also be accessed on their phones.

Sometimes the design you’ve chosen doesn’t translate because it has too many moving parts to do so. When you hire a web design service they can ensure the design they use to create your business website will work no matter what type of technology it’s being accessed from.

2. Inserting Confusing CTAs

After someone has finished reading a piece of content on your blog what do you want them to do? Without a clear call to action users of your website will simply exit out of it and move on.

There are tons of ways you can insert CTA without coming off as overly salesy to people. For example, the inclusion of buy now buttons or buttons that allow website visitors to add products to their carts are all examples of a clear call to action making it known what you want them to do next.

3. Ignoring Web Design Tools

Web design tools aren’t just there to help you create a more attractive website. They also provide a series of tools that can be used to measure analytical data.

The reason you need to measure analytics on your website is that if you don’t you won’t understand how well the website is performing without them. For example, without utilizing the tools you won’t know what your bounce rate is and be able to make the necessary changes to keep people on your website longer.

4. Telling the Wrong Brand Story

Before people purchase from you they want to know the story of your brand. Part of this is to gain an understanding of the values your company abides by to determine if it aligns with their personal views.

This is a mistake you don’t want to make because your brand messaging is a way of storytelling and telling the wrong story can close you big time. If you’re not the best at storytelling it’s best if you view here for more about how to choose a design agency that specializes in designing business websites.

Common Web Design Errors: Reducing Website Mistakes

Common web design errors include not having a concise CTA and not telling the story of your brand properly. It’s best to allow a design company to design your website the right way the first time.

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