How To Call Lord Shiva For Help

How To Call Lord Shiva For Help


Lord Shiva is considered to be the one who destroys and reforms everything in existence, making him one of the most revered gods in Hinduism. Yet, he is also recognized as a sign of compassion, understanding, and wisdom, even though he is typically portrayed as a god who is violent and powerful. In this essay, we will discuss a few of the many various ways to establish a connection with Lord Shiva and attain enlightenment on a spiritual level.

To Seek Helps From The Lord Shiva, There Are Different Mantras Available.

One of the simplest and most effective approaches to establishing a connection with Lord Shiva is to practice mantra meditation. It is thought that saying the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” helps to purify one’s mind and brings one closer to cosmic consciousness.

You can recite this mantra quietly or aloud for as long as you wish and do it whichever you please. When said, this mantra assists in bringing one’s attention inside, cutting down on outside distractions, and fostering a more profound connection with Lord Shiva.


Puja, which is also known as adoration, is an additional activity that can be done to connect with Lord Shiva. This may be a simple daily routine or a more elaborate ceremony. Both are acceptable. During the puja, prayers are made, and offerings of milk, water, fruits, and flowers are presented to Lord Shiva. Participating in puja might assist in purifying one’s mind and lead one into a deeper relationship with divine awareness.


Yoga is another opportunity to forge a connection with Lord Shiva. It is thought that particular yoga postures and breathing techniques might assist in awakening one’s spiritual energy and bring one closer to the divine consciousness.

 One of the most prominent yoga positions, Natarajasana, also known as Lord of the Dancing Pose, is traditionally connected with the Hindu god Shiva. It is reported that Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance can represent this stance, which is believed to help maintain mental and bodily equilibrium.


Fasting is another approach to establishing a connection with Lord Shiva. According to Hindu mythology, those who observe a fast in Lord Shiva’s honor are regarded as happy. By fasting, one should purify their minds and bodies, lessen the number of distractions in their lives, and make a more profound connection with divine awareness.


Visiting one of Lord Shiva’s sacred shrines is another method to connect with him and strengthen your relationship with him. Among the most well-known shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva in India are the Amarnath Cave in Jammu and Kashmir, the Kailash Temple in Uttarakhand, and the Jyotirlinga temples that may be found all over the country. These journeys provide participants with the opportunity to connect with Lord Shiva on a more profound level on both a spiritual and a physical level.

The Shiva Mantra…what exactly is it?

In honor of Lord Shiva, a hymn written in Sanskrit and known as the “Shiva Mantra” is chanted. Lord Shiva is believed to have the power to eliminate ignorance and evil. In most cases, the mantra is repeated 108 times, and a mala, a string of prayer beads, is used to keep count. Chanting the Shiva Mantra is a practice that can purify both the mind and the body, bring about calm, and attract Lord Shiva’s blessings.

The most prevalent form of the Shiva Mantra is “Om Namah Shivaya,” which can be translated as “I bow to Shiva.” It is thought that by removing impediments and negative energy from one’s path, reciting this mantra will bring about serenity, happiness, and success.

The Origin and Development of The Shiva Mantra

The ancient Hindu scriptures, such as the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, and the Atharva Veda, might be consulted to discover where the Shiva Mantra first appeared in written form. Since the beginning of time, devotees have been reciting this mantra to establish a connection with Lord Shiva and receive his blessings.

One of the three primary gods revered in Hinduism is known as Shiva. The other two are Brahma and Vishnu. In these depictions, he is typically seen wielding a trident with a garland of skulls encircled by serpentine entities. He has a reputation for being the one who conquers evil, ignorance, and death.

Comprehending The Sacred Chants Of Lord Shiva’s Mantras

The mantras of Lord Shiva are incredibly potent sacred phrases passed down from generation to generation. People have been praying to Lord Shiva using these mantras to receive his blessings, guidance, and protection from ancient times. Each mantra has its distinct meaning and function, and when it is said with devotion, it is possible for the person who is chanting it to experience enormous advantages.

How To Choose Which Mantra Is Best Suited  Your Need

It is essential to consider your requirements when selecting a mantra to invoke Lord Shiva for assistance. Do you want to be blessed with success professionally or personally?

Are you currently in a challenging circumstance where you could benefit from some direction and protection? Or do you want to strengthen your spiritual connection with Lord Shiva?

After identifying your requirements, you can select a mantra congruent with the goal you wish to accomplish. The following are some of the most often practiced mantras for Lord Shiva:

  • This mantra is known as “Om Namah Shivaya.” It is recited for purification, protection, and spiritual development.
  • This mantra, known as “Om Tryambakam,” is recited to seek the protection and assistance of Lord Shiva in overcoming challenges and impediments.
  • This mantra, known as “Shivaya Om,” is used to connect with the divine energy of Lord Shiva and to ask for his blessings on achieving success and having abundant resources.

The Advantages That Come From Often Reciting The Shiva Mantra

The recitation of the Shiva Mantra has a variety of positive effects on one’s body, mind, and spirit, including the following benefits:

  • The repeating of the mantra can assist in quieting the mind and soothe the emotions, allowing you to let go of bad thoughts and feelings and nurture inner peace. This is one of the ways that the mantra can purify the mind and body.
  • You can increase your capacity to concentrate and stay focused on your goals by concentrating on the mantra and the breath. It helps to fulfill your desired results.
  • Invoking the blessings of Lord Shiva through the recitation of the Shiva Mantra is a method of establishing a connection with the divine energy of Lord Shiva and asking for his favors. You can gain his advice and knowledge and tap into his transformational power if you say the mantra.
  • It is thought that reciting the mantra can remove impediments and negative energy, which will bring about success, happiness, and tranquility.
  • Chanting the Shiva Mantra regularly can assist you in developing a sense of inner calm and awareness, both of which are necessary for progressing toward your goal of achieving spiritual growth and a more profound connection with the divine.
  • Despite his frightening appearance, Shiva is revered for his compassion and wisdom. He is the ultimate source of all power, knowledge, and bliss. Despite this, Shiva is regarded as the ultimate source.


One can achieve enlightenment and connect with the divine by reciting the Shiva Mantra. By connecting with the energy of Lord Shiva, you can cleanse both your mind and body, conquer obstacles, and advance in your spiritual development.

Whether you are searching for peace, happiness, or the fulfillment of your spiritual potential, the Shiva Mantra is an uncomplicated and effective way to access the force of the divine.

One can take many different paths to connect with Lord Shiva and achieve spiritual enlightenment. These disciplines—mantra meditation, yoga, fasting, pilgrimage, or puja—can help bring one closer to the divine consciousness.

Some examples of these practices include: Establishing a connection with Lord Shiva allows us to cleanse our brains, reawaken our spiritual energy, and acquire a more profound understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. All of these benefits come directly from our time spent in meditation.