How Does Phototropism Occur In Plants?

How Does Phototropism Occur In Plants?


It is common knowledge that plants are the only living organisms that, because of their roots, can maintain their position in the same place over time. Because of this, it could look as though the plants are not moving at all, but the reality is that they are. You have to be curious about the movement of the plants at this stage.

The answer to this question is that plants cannot walk the same way humans do, but certain plant components, such as its root and shoot systems, tend to respond to external stimuli in a phenomenon known as tropism.

Light, water, wind, and chemical sources are all examples of these types of stimuli. Tropism is defined as the response of living organisms to an external stimulus, which can be comparable to or antithetical to the direction from which the stimulus is coming.

Definition Of Phototropism

The word “Turning” comes from the Greek word “photo,” which means “light.” Hence, the term “phototropism” refers solely to the movement of the plant towards the direction of the light. The development of a plant in response to various environmental stimuli, including heat, light, air, water, chemicals, and many more sources, is an example of tropism.

Phototropism, also known as a positive phototropic reaction, refers to the growth of the shoot system in the direction in which the light stimuli are directed. Negative phototropism, sometimes called geotropism, refers to the growth of a plant’s root system in a direction perpendicular to the path taken by the light stimulus.

Phototropism is a system that plays an essential role in the continued existence of the plant. So, the process by which the plant takes in as much light as it can be described as its “survival mechanism.” The greater the proportion of a plant’s leaves exposed to light, the higher the efficiency of its photosynthesis, which in turn allows for the production of more usable energy.

The Physiological Mechanism Behind Phototropism in Plants

The phenomenon of phototropism relies on the light reaction as its underlying mechanism. In the phenomenon known as phototropism, the photoreceptors in plants can respond to light with a wavelength of about 450 nanometers.

The blue light photoreceptor protein forms a complex that is called phototropin. Auxin will shift from the lighter side of the stem to the darker side when light is present.The pH of the plant cell drops due to auxin’s release of hydrogen ions into the plant cell, which also causes the auxin to move towards the darker region of the stem.

 The pH drop stimulates an enzyme’s production by activating it (expansions). Because expansins are an enzyme, they will produce swelling within the cell, ultimately resulting in the plant bending towards the light.

A Brief Introduction to the Phototropism of Plants

Let’s have a look at an example of the phototropism process so that we can get a better understanding of how it works. We should have been able to observe the plant cuttings that were placed near a window bending toward the light.

This is because for plants to generate energy and food, they require exposure to sunlight. The roots underneath the pot grow upward, and as they burst through the surface, the shoot system begins to bend towards the light.

A plant can detect light from specialized molecules known as photoreceptors. Protein molecules are called photoreceptors to form the link between the chromophore and the light-sensitive pigment. The chromophore is responsible for distorting the protein’s activity due to its light absorption. These alterations in reaction to light bring about a signal, and the plants respond by promoting gene expression, growth, and the creation of hormones.

The path that leads to the creation of a response is referred to as the “Signaling pathway.” As a result, phototropism is a directed response in which a plant turns its leaves toward the stimuli (light).

The Part That Phototropins and Auxins Play in the Phototropism Process

The photoreceptors in the cell are called phototropin, responsible for absorbing the blue portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. A large concentration of auxin can be found at the plant’s tip, also known as the coleoptile (plant growth hormone).

A disparity in the distribution of phototropins is brought about when the coleoptile is subjected to direct sunlight. Pht 1 and 2 are the two most frequent types of phototropin’s found in higher plants. These two types of phototropin’s have distinct reactions when exposed to blue light.

Phot-1 begins to function when it is exposed to blue light of relatively modest intensity. On the other hand, when subjected to the effect of high-intensity blue light, photos 1 and 2 behave identically. Stomatal opening, photosynthetic exchange, movement of chloroplasts, and expansion of leaf blades and cotyledons are some of the key functions that phototropin’s are responsible for.

In the lighter parts, the phototropin will either have a higher rate of activity or will absorb more light. On the other hand, the phototropin’s will have a lower level of activity or absorb less light on the darker side.

Therefore, the varied levels of phototropin’s are to blame for the unequal transport of a plant hormone (auxin) toward the darker side of the coleoptile.

The auxin balance will move away from the lit side and closer to the darker side. In reaction to the presence of a light source, the auxin located on the shaded side of the stem will encourage cell elongation and further growth, which will ultimately cause the plant to bend.

Benefits of Phototropism

Phototropism studies how a plant responds to the sun’s position regarding its ability to grow and survive. The word photo refers to the sun. Chlorophylls, which are tiny green organisms with microscopic dimensions that may be found in the leaves of plants, are present.

These chlorophylls are responsible for absorbing sunlight and transferring that energy to glucose. Glucose is a sweet viscous material that the plant must ingest to maintain its viability. There are other types of plants, such as red algae, that do not require the presence of sunlight to continue living.

While it is living too deep in the ocean to absorb sunlight, red algae must instead subsist on the food of other, smaller animals; when it is living closer to the surface of the water, it can convert the sunlight into glucose. Hence, red algae are both photosynthetic and autotrophic in their metabolic processes.

When a plant is said to be photosynthetic, it can take in light and convert it to glucose. When a plant is said to be autotrophic, it can ensure its survival by eating other, smaller organisms.


Plants go through a process known as phototropism, in which they bend in response to exposure to light of any kind. This reaction can be triggered by sunlight or any other light source. Plants can react to light stimulation because they have proteins that are known as photoreceptors.

Along with the pigment responsible for light absorption, these specialized protein molecules, also called photoreceptors, form a complex chromophore.

When chromophores take in light radiations, this changes the structural structure of the photoreceptors, which in turn triggers a signalling pathway. Following that, the signal receives a light stimulus, which reacts appropriately to what it has been given.