4 Tips for Building a Business Website That Gets Results

4 Tips for Building a Business Website That Gets Results

Have you been procrastinating on building a business website because you don’t know where to start?

Well, you’re missing out on finding more customers and building your business to be bigger and better than ever. Your competitors are going to beat you out if you continue on this path.

So don’t!

If you’re not sure how to build a business website but need to get started, we’ve got you covered. Just follow these four tips to get started.

1. Choose a Great Web Hosting Provider

For starters, you need to choose who you want to host your website. When choosing this, you need to determine what you are getting out of it.

You should look at:

  • the cost of the hosting provider
  • the services that the web hosting service provider offers
  • how long the contract is for
  • understand the upgrade options
  • know the primary features of the provider

Once you choose the best web hosting provider for you, you can start to build the website!

2. Make It Professional 

No one wants to navigate to a website that looks weird or off, unprofessional, and unorganized.

The second they do, they’ll navigate away.

To prevent this from happening, you can either use YouTube university to figure out how to design a professional website or hire a website service.

Either way, you need to choose your brand design, logo, fonts, and layout of the website. You can then add widgets and other applications to make the user experience better.

3. Focus on the Customers

When building a business website, you want to make sure you have a focus on the customers. If everything is about you, what does the customer gain?

Instead, your small business website needs to tell a little bit about you but focus on what you can offer them. For instance, have a page about your services as well as a contact page. On the service page, make sure to describe every service you offer and what the customer can expect from it

Have a blog that speaks to your target audience about issues they may be having or topics they are interested in. If you want to go above and beyond, have a page that is all about customer testimonials so that future customers can visit your page and see what you are all about.

4. Optimize the Pages

No one likes a slow website. If you come to a page that is slow and takes forever to load, you’re probably going to navigate away. The same goes for your customers. 

Because of this, you want to optimize your website for speed. A lot of times this has to do with what you put on it. For instance, if you have a lot of images, you should “smush” these images so that they only load when someone scrolls past them.

This will ensure the most vital parts of your website are loading first.

You also want to optimize your website for both desktop and mobile so that whichever one your customer finds you on, it is still an easy-to-use website as well as appealing.

How to Build a Business Website That Works

With billions of websites out there, you want to make sure yours stands out. With these tips on how to build a business website, you can be sure yours will! Ready to read more? Check out other blogs on our site!