6 Water Filter Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

In the US, about 30 million people live in areas with unsafe drinking water, and an estimated 110 million are exposed to toxic chemicals in their drinking water. This trouble with drinking water comes from antiquated water systems and lack of access. 

As Americans grow more concerned about the quality of their tap water, they are looking for alternatives. Bottled water and water filtration systems ensure their drinking water is free of contaminants. 

If you are interested in buying a water filter to clean your water, do your research and buy wisely. Here are six water filter shopping mistakes you should avoid. 

1. Failing to Test Your Water

Before you start comparing new water filters, it’s essential to get a test of your home’s water. A test identifies what contaminants are in your water that could be affecting your health. With test results in hand, you can look for a water filtration system that removes those specific contaminants. 

2. Buying Based on Brand Name Alone

If you are looking to get a water filter, you have probably heard of some brand name filters through marketing or from friends or family. Although choosing one because you know the brand makes picking a water filter easy, it may not be the best choice. So you will want to keep an open mind and do extensive research to ensure a water filter provider meets all your needs. 

3. Choosing One With the Wrong Capacity

When looking at options for filters, you have the opportunity to get small filters that you fill manually, or you can have a water filtration system installed. When choosing a water filtration system, don’t pick one too small to provide enough water and strain the system. Also, don’t choose one too large that uses too much power or takes up too much space. 

4. Believe That Price Equals Quality

When making a significant purchase, you can often fall into the trap of thinking since something is more expensive, it’s higher quality. But these high-cost systems might be more than you need for you and your family. So rather than focusing on price, you should make sure a filter best meets you and your family’s needs. 

5. Getting Frustrated With the Process 

Since there are so many different water filtration systems, narrowing your search can be confusing and frustrating. As a result, you may give up on buying a water filter altogether. But, it’s better to buy a system, even if it’s a basic one, than have no system at all. 

6. Not Replacing Filters on Time

Water filter maintenance is another thing you want to consider when buying a system. Failing to maintain your water filter could cause it to work less efficiently and let through contaminants. 

Changing filters is a must for most water filter systems. How often you must replace a filter depends on the brand and type of filter. For example, you’ll want to replace Berkey filters after a certain number of refills.

Avoid Water Filter Shopping Mistakes

Water filter shopping mistakes could result in you being unsatisfied with your purchase and waste money in the long run. When buying a water filter, it’s essential to know your needs and find one that meets those needs. Consider taking steps like testing your water, determining what capacity you need, and researching different brands to find the right filter for you. 

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