9 Ways How Quitting Caffeine Can Improve Your Health

How Quitting Caffeine Can Improve Your Health

When we hear the word “coffee” our imagination draws a certain cup and a certain drink. But since everyone’s imagination is different, then the cups are not the same and the taste of the drink is significantly different. And only one thing unites everything – caffeine. Is it delicious, bad, or unhealthy?

Which foods and drinks also contain caffeine? Fast breakfasts, Mate tea, dark chocolate, chocolate biscuits, chocolate milk, bottled tea, sugary soft drinks, hot chocolate, yogurt, and many others can boast of its high amount. 

Therefore, it is important to regulate the amount of not only coffee but also products containing it. This is taking care of your health!

Harms of Drinking Coffee:

Like other drugs and alcohol, caffeine can be addictive and is harmful to the body. A person who consumes an excessive amount of caffeine faces many health problems. Like alcohol, caffeine also affects the mental health of a person.

But unlike alcohol, you won’t have to select from various alcoholism treatment options. It is relatively easier to quit drinking coffee. Coffee affects our metabolism, does not allow the body to absorb necessary nutrients, harms the sleeping cycle, fastens the aging process, and harms the immunity system.

Top Benefits of Quitting Caffeine

Like any other addiction, quitting coffee can be challenging at first. However, its benefits can motivate a person to stay on the right track.

Let’s see the top nine benefits of drinking coffee. We will discuss each one in detail below:

1. Stable Energy Level

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant. When it enters the body, the production of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol is activated. They trigger a fight or flight response.

However, by relying on caffeine all the time and consuming it throughout the day, you can notice a sharp drop in energy within a few hours. It makes you drain off all the energy very soon. Many people consider it an energy booster. While the truth is it minimizes the energy level of a person very soon.

It’s like a roller coaster ride, at one moment you are at the extreme of your energy, and at the very next it drops down and you become dull.

2. More Trace Elements In The Body

Caffeine may prevent the absorption of some vitamins and minerals from food. Excess caffeine helps flush out water-soluble vitamins from the body. And besides, it interferes with the absorption of calcium and iron. 

Moreover, our body needs minerals and nutrients that are beneficial for running the whole system. When they lack in quantity, a person faces various diseases including headaches. Many people are deficient in one or more of these substances, so quitting caffeine can improve the situation.

3. Better Bone Health Potential

The effects of caffeine on bone density have long been debated in scientific circles. Scientists believe that elevated levels of caffeine in the body prevent the absorption of vitamin D, necessary for the chemical reactions of building bone.

Also, they believe that high caffeine intake lowers bone density by leaching calcium. These two effects lead to the fact that the bone tissue “wears out” faster.

4. Later Formation Of Wrinkles

As a person ages, the amount of elastin and collagen in the body decreases. Unfortunately, this is predetermined by nature. But some things force this process. These are exposure to ultraviolet radiation, smoking, excessive consumption of sugar, and caffeine.

Caffeine inhibits collagen production. With the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, a person looks older than the age. And these wrinkles are hard to remove from facials and other treatments. Therefore, restrictions on its consumption can prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

5. Reduction Of Hot Flashes During Menopause

Caffeine also affects hormones, especially estrogens. Women who frequently drink coffee during menopause have more hot flashes. 

 However, experts from the National Institutes of Health note that the amount of caffeine entering the body plays an important role here. If a woman drinks one cup of coffee a day, she may not notice the change, but two or more will give an unpleasant side effect.

6. Improving Fertility

Reducing caffeine intake can benefit men as well. For example, a 2017 study found that caffeine affects sperm quality by affecting the DNA level.

Scientists suggest that caffeine in excess reduces reproductive functions, but they immediately note that more research is needed to confirm or refute this fact. 

7. Boost Immunity

As mentioned above, caffeine stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn causes the body to constantly experience stress. Ultimately, this can cause a decrease in immune function.

8. Safe Fitness Activities

Although caffeine has a positive effect on an athlete’s endurance and strength performance (and therefore is a popular sports supplement), not everyone can take it. Scientists found that in people with cardiovascular disease and at risk, excess caffeine increases the likelihood of blood clots during exercise.

The problem is that many people, especially young athletes in good health, don’t know if they are at risk.

9. Better Sleep Quality

It has long been no secret that caffeine makes it difficult to fall asleep. But his role does not end there. Caffeine reduces total sleep time, makes it alert and restless, and increases wake time between waking up, especially in the elderly.

Thus, the question of whether or not to drink coffee is important for maintaining health. When making a choice, consider the potential benefits and possible risks!

Summing Up

It will be evident to you after reading this article that by quitting caffeine how the health of a person can improve. We understand the immediately quitting can be difficult, that is why we advise you to take smaller steps.

First, minimize the number of cups you drink daily. Then start having it once a week; slowly and gradually quit this habit. Enjoy a healthy life!