Attending a drug rehab center? Here are 4 things you should do in your free time

If you are attending a drug rehab center to get clean from your substance abuse concerns, then you also need to think of things to do in your free time that will take your mind off your addiction. Sometimes, the recovery process can be stressful, time-consuming, and daunting for new users. You may find that his program is rigorous, you are having second thoughts, and you are thinking about drug use. If you find that you’re having a hard time taking your mind off of your addiction, you need to come up with hobbies that you can do in your spare time. This way, you can find out what you are really interested in, discover other talents you didn’t know you had, and find out new things to do when you’re bored. Not only will this take your mind off of the drugs and the substance abuse concerns, but you can find something that you really enjoy doing! Let’s see a few things to do in your free time at a drug rehab centre to avoid boredom, thoughts of drug use, and higher relapse rates.

4 free-time activities to do at a drug rehab center

 Art therapy

One of the most beneficial things to do in your free time is art therapy at a drug rehab center. If you find that you are having trouble expressing your emotions, you can not clearly articulate what is happening in your mind or in your life, and you are not speaking during group therapy sessions, you will find that drawing, painting, or sculpting something will help you get your thoughts out. Sometimes, people are not good at communicating – they have a hard time expressing what they are feeling and they are scared about speaking in front of professionals or in front of large groups of people. In this case, they need another outlet to really talk about their feelings and their experiences. One of the best ways to put your thoughts onto paper or onto canvas is art therapy – you can draw, sculpt, or paint whatever you want. Just as long as you take the time and effort to make it something heartfelt and filled with emotion, it will get the job done.


Another beneficial thing to do in your free time at a drug rehab center like The Edge Treatment is exercise. If you have the time and the energy to go outside, go for a walk, do some yoga, or play a sports game, this can be great for your mind, body, and soul. Maybe you have not done physical activity in a long time – you might have been too weak for drug use, out of shape from constant drinking, or it just never crossed your mind. Now, with your extra free time, being active once more can help you reclaim your health and find another hobby that you are interested in. who knows, maybe you are going to enjoy running, walking, or playing basketball!


Another beneficial task to do in your free time is journaling and writing down important information. You can journal about your thoughts, what you want to do after rehab, and why you think you are in rehab in the first place. Writing down your emotions, your plans, and your goals can help you bring them to life later on. Instead of just thinking about what you want to do, writing down the concrete plans can help you have a better chance of succeeding.

Connect with other patients

The last thing to do in your free time is to spend time getting to know the other people in the drug rehab center. Although it can be intimidating to make new friends, this is a big part of your rehab process. Make sure you try to bond with others who can help you through the tough times of your rehab process!


If you are going to a drug rehab center in New Jersey for the first time, you might be nervous about what you are going to do in all of the time you have between doctor’s visits, therapy sessions, and family therapy meetings. However, finding things to do in your free time is the best way that you can preoccupy your mind, find new hobbies, and learn new things about yourself! Consider starting art therapy, exercise, sports, meditation, journaling, or speaking with other patients to make new friends and discover new hobbies!