Fall In Love with These Wholesome Benefits of Whey Protein

whey protein

There are lots of sources of protein. Some of the protein sources are plant-based, animal-based, and protein supplements. Every supplement is derived from either source. Also, many of the protein brands have both plant and animal-based protein ingredients. If you are a vegan, it is critical to bear these facts in mind when picking a protein supplement to round out your diet.

Label of Protein Products

Even if you are not choosy, it is essential to read labels so that you exactly know what you are buying. A few protein supplements such as whey protein supplements are nothing more than glorified candy bars. Also, they do not carry enough protein to justify their price tag.

Popular Ingredients of Protein Supplements

Of the several supplement kinds, whey and soy are the two most popular ingredients in supplements. There are a lot of benefits of each type. For instance, both proteins are complete (soy is one of the plant-based proteins).

Ingredients of Protein Supplements

However, this type of protein, which is a by-product of the manufacturing of cheese and dried milk too, is a source of the branched-chain amino acid (BCAA). Similarly, it contains the highest level among organic food sources.

BCAAs are among the only amino acid chains that a human body can directly metabolize to the muscle tissue. Also, it is first used during resistance and exercise training. (Source: Whey Protein Institute)

It might slow down the loss of bone and muscle tissue in the aging that further allows seniors to remain active for longer durations.

Whey for Cardiac Health

Whey has the capacity to improve blood vessel function due to working as an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor.

ACE inhibitors operate to improve blood pressure and blood flow by intercepting the conversion of angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II when it turns out to be a vasoconstrictor. It also aids to keep blood pressure within normal limits.

One of the peptides, which is whey-derived also works towards vascular function improvement. (Mercola 2009)

Whey for Weight Loss

Our body consumes high-level energy to digest protein, more than any other nutrient. This process is named the thermic effect. The reason is it produces heat that causes the human body to burn more fuel to reinstate its normal temperature.

Another feature of protein is that it takes longer to digest, making you feel fuller for longer. If you consume a candy bar, chances are that you will feel satisfied for one hour or so. However, after that, you will be hungry again.

A quality protein bar will make feel full for several hours and will stop you from returning to another snack until you reach meal time. Whey provides benefits to the body by helping it:

  • Slowing the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream
  • Stabilize the blood glucose and
  • In return, this will lead to lower insulin levels, lower hunger, and improved fat burn.

When your body gets food, it begins digesting and immediately piecing it down to its lowest shape. Foods that quickly get digested, in response, cause the body to be flooded with insulin.

The insulin then directs the body to begin storing all the food as fat without applying it for energy. Not long after the completion of the meal, the body requires energy again and the message to the brain goes like “need food” and the process begins once more. The unstable the blood sugar levels, there will be more sugar spikes. As a result, it increases the flood of insulin and leading to more weight gain.


Whey also impacts weight management through the action of two hunger-suppressing hormones; i.e.

  • Cholecystokinin (CCK) and
  • Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1).

In the absence of the above two, some folks might continue to eat and will never get to the satisfaction level. In this scenario, whey has a lead over casein (another milk byproduct) with more impact on satiety. (Source: Mercola 2009)

Therefore, whey is beneficial for weight loss as it optimizes the body’s intake regarding all the macro and micro-nutrients that it requires for good health.

Structure of Whey?

Whey is a byproduct of cheese that is extracted from cow’s milk. It has a mixture of alpha-lactalbumin, lactoglobulin, and serum albumin. (Source: Be Well @ Stanford)

For those who are intolerant regarding lactose, whey isolate is an excellent supplement option. Because it contains less lactose content compared to other protein sources that are byproduct-derived.

Where You Can Find Whey Protein?

Whey isolates or whey protein supplements are offered by every whey protein supplier. Whey is found typically in a range of protein supplements, including shakes, powders, and bars.

Whey is found in a number of snacks too and other areas where it may be a bit shocking. Some companies use whey powder to boost protein count in their food higher without having to use more expensive ingredients.

Additional Whey Benefits

Whey is considered an excellent source of the essential amino acid leucine. Amino acid leucine is crucial for muscle growth. The whey isolate (an isolate, which is a cultured biological material made to use as a nutritional supplement) has fifty percent more leucine compared to the soy protein isolate.

For an average person, an avid fitness enthusiast, and a bodybuilder, this means the same; i.e.

  • Lower body fat, and
  • More lean muscle tissue

Glutathione is also a powerful antioxidant required to boost a healthy immune system, which is enhanced by whey.

It also has:

  • The protective anti-microbial, and
  • (Source: Whey Protein Institute)

Whey, similar to other proteins, is helpful to heal wounds because of the above ingredients. It is also a beneficial protein supplement for those suffering from cancer. The reason is the increased glutathione can aid in the reduction of the infection risk in those who use radiation treatments or chemotherapy.

Initial clinical research also shows that it might inhibit or slow the growth of specific forms of tumors. A research carried out by Dr. Thomas Badger, at the Arkansas Children’s Nutritional Center, has revealed that mice who were given high whey feed had 50% fewer tumors compared to those fed with casein along with soy.

Drawbacks of Whey?

While whey has a range of benefits described above, too much whey consumption can cause liver damage. Just like other forms of proteins, there are some pros and cons of whey and it should be consumed in reasonable and safe amounts.

Every protein can be dangerous if it is consumed in huge amounts and can bring issues that include:

  • Kidney stones,
  • Weight gain,
  • Gall stones and
  • Risk of osteoporosis

You must seek a doctor’s advice on how much protein you need that would be best for your health.