Best Time to Post on Social Media

Best Time to Post on Social Media

When was the last time you examined how often you’re posting on social media?

It might be important to do so as posting too often on your accounts can lead to people getting annoyed with you for spamming their feeds. What’s more, these folks also tend to be a bit more active in different parts of the day.

So, what’s the best time to post on social media if you want a wider audience? Below, we’ve come up with some tips that can help you determine when your audience in the top social media sites might be more willing to view your posts.

Keep reading!


The best time to post on Facebook is during the workweek, from Monday to Friday. The best times are during lunchtime (11 AM to 1 PM) and in the evening (7 PM to 9 PM).

Avoid posting during the early morning or late at night as most people are not online at these times. Weekends are also less active times on Facebook, so avoid posting during these times as well.  


There is no definitive answer to this question since it varies based on your specific audience and goals. However, research shows that the best time of day to post on Instagram is between 8-9 PM EST. This is when most users are active and engaged.

Keep in mind that you will need to adjust your posting schedule based on when your target audience is most active. Experiment with different times and days to see what works best for you.  


Tiktok is the perfect platform for short, entertaining videos that will make people laugh and forget about their day. The best time to post on Tiktok is 9 PM EST. This is because most people are finished with their work day and are looking for a way to unwind. 

Of course, we’re talking about high-quality posts that you’ve actually put an effort into creating. For example, the quick and simple act of using a background remover on a video or image with an unflattering backdrop can go a long way, especially if you post it at the right time


The best time to post on Twitter is between 1-3 PM. This is because most people are on their lunch break or taking a break from work at this time.

Therefore, they are more likely to be scrolling through their Twitter feed and seeing your content.  


Business hours from Mondays to Fridays are the best time to post on LinkedIn. However, you should also consider the time zone of your audience when posting as well as the day of the week. 

Learn the Best Time to Post on Social Media Today

One thing you must remember about social media posting though is that it’s not always about the best time to post. Your audience engagement can also be affected by other factors, such as the industry you’re in. 

Hence, you can schedule your content more effectively when you’re always up-to-date on the changes in the different networks. Additionally, you may also consider new trends and types of content and never shy away from innovation.

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