Common Parasites Found on Dogs

Dogs are precious beings that may even count as valuable members of our family. If we want to have a loving relationship with them, we might as well take care of our fur-babies with everything we’ve got.

One way you can keep your pup healthy is by making sure they are clean. That means giving them regular baths and brushing their fur whenever necessary. However, no matter how clean your dog is, there will always be unwanted guests inside their bodies if you are not mindful of this aspect well enough – which are parasites.

What Is A Parasite?

It is an animal or plant that lives on another living creature. They can be single or multi-celled animals, bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. These parasites can be divided intotwo kinds: internal and external. 

Internal parasites are those found inside the body like worms, flukes, and amoeba. External parasites are those that live outside the body on your skin or hair. They include fleas, ticks, and lice. 

These parasites can pass from dogs to humans. That is why it is essential to treat your dog with dog wormers or anti-tick medicine if you see any sign of the parasites. You are not only protecting your precious fur-baby, but you’re also protecting yourself. 

The Common Parasites Found in Dogs

As mentioned beforehand, there are internal and external parasites. Both of these parasites can be found on or within your dog. Here are the ones that you need to look out for when protecting your pooch:


  • Heartworm – This parasite comes from infected mosquitoes. It enters your dog’s blood through their bite. If it is not treated, your dog could have heart failure. 
  • Hookworms – This parasite lives in your dog’s digestive system. Puppies can inherit it from their infected mothers through nursing. The larvae usually live in the soil.
  • Ringworm – Ringworm is a fungus that affects your dog’s skin. Puppies and malnourished adult dogs are susceptible to this parasite. 
  • Tapeworms – Dogs can get tapeworms by ingesting a host that has the eggs. They usually get this parasite from adult fleas. It can affect your dog’s digestive system. Usually, you will see segments of the worms in your dog’s stool or around its anus. 


  • Fleas – These are tiny insects that feed on several mammals. They don’t have wings, but they can jump high. They can cause you and your dog significant discomfort. 
  • Ticks – Ticks cannot jump, but they carry a lot of diseases. They are more visible than fleas so take action once you see them. 
  • Lice and Mites – These parasites live on your dog’s hair and skin. They can cause mange and bald spots on your dog that could even pass to you. 

How to Treat These Parasites

The best thing to do when you see parasites on your dogs is to follow the three “M”s. These stand for medicate, monitor, and maintain

  1. Medicate – You can cure your pet with medicines, but there are some shampoos and a dog wormer or two that can prevent these parasites from getting on your pet. 
  • Monitor – You can do this yourself at home by regularly checking their fur and stool. You can also bring your dog to screening tests at the veterinarian. Any strange behaviour could be a red flag for potential problems. 
  • Maintain – Make sure your pet’s environment is clean. You can avoid your dogs being exposed to these parasites by giving them clean beddings and regular baths. Keep them away from dead animals, garbage, or other infected animals. 

You wouldn’t want your dog to be uncomfortable. Always ensure that they are healthy and clean. Just a little bit of effort and care can prevent your precious pet from suffering at the claws of parasites. Be alert for any warning signs, and keep your dogs well medicated.