Dealing With Acne: What Not To Do, Preventing Acne And How To Treat Them

Dealing With Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that are prevalent in Australia, mostly in adults, but they occur in the adolescent population too. Aside from following up with the right acne treatment, there are plenty of things that Australians can do to prevent acne from breaking out on their skin. Moreover, this article also highlights some of the things that people should not do when dealing with acne problems. Read on to find out what they are below:

Preventing Acne Formation: Some Of The Things That People Can Do

1. Having A Daily Cleaning Routine For The Face: Doctors recommend washing the face twice daily to remove dirt and other impurities that may get clogged in the pores. Avoid using hot water, and always use products that are safe on the skin.

2. Moisturising The Skin: Since the face has delicate skin compared to the rest of the body, it’s important to keep it moisturised and healthy. Daily moisturising can reduce the risk of dryness or even peeling and keep the skin fresh all day.

3. Avoid Chemicals As Much As Possible: Try using natural products and if there are any instances of allergies or skin problems, discontinue use immediately. This also includes cosmetic products for makeup. Learn to read and differentiate ingredients in the product label.

4. Keeping The Hands In Check: Although this is a bit difficult to carry out, avoid touching the face with dirty hands. Hands contain bacteria and other microorganisms that can harm the skin and lead to infection.

5. Drink Lots Of Water: Make sure that the body’s daily intake of water is met, and keep a bottle aside for this sole purpose.

6. Exercise: Regular exercise can do wonders for the skin by getting rid of toxins and keeping the body active and healthy.

Acne is on the rise among adults, especially women, and one can assume that those affected are not taking proper care of their skin.

However, take care not to do this as they can spread or make the acne breakout worse.

What Not To Do If One Has Acne:

1. Don’t try out new acne treatments every time, as this can hurt the skin or irritate it. Don’t try out products that are not recommended or don’t look authentic.

2. Don’t share cosmetic products or other objects like brushes with other people, especially those afflicted with acne. Sharing things between people can cause an enormous exchange of bacteria and dead skin cells that can affect or clog the pores of the skin.

3. Don’t pop or break the pimples as it can lead to inflammation or spread the area of infection.

Treating Acne:

1. Always take acne treatment seriously, and don’t just use remedies found on the internet or an unreviewed blog.

2. Consult a doctor if the acne turns out worse and the inflammation is causing pain.

3. Use medication prescribed by skin experts and dermatologists and apply it properly. Common prescriptions include antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide or retinoids.

4. Other Modern Treatments To Look Into: Modern treatments work significantly better than regular medications for those having severe acne on their face. Some of the most sought after treatment methods include:

  • Light therapy uses light treatment to get rid of bacteria in the skin and let the skin heal faster. It is very effective in clearing acne as the light can target infected pores and glands in the skin.
  • IPL treatment is also another form of light therapy that uses focused wavelengths of light to target the breakouts. Both treatments require regular consultations for weeks or months, depending upon the severity of the acne.