Finding information on Natural and Organic Skin Care – Primrose Valley Naturals.

Finding information on Natural and Organic Skin Care - Primrose Valley Naturals.

Information on natural organic skincare is very confusing, to say the least. While all of us know that we should avoid artificial and synthetic ingredients in our drinks and food, we are less informed about the ingredients in personal and beauty care products. Primrose Valley Naturals is the best for natural skincare products. Mostly we hear that yet another ingredient found in skincare or personal products is dangerous to health, but unless we are well versed in chemistry, we have no idea what to look for.

Things to keep in mind while choosing a natural product 

The key is to look at the ingredients in the products you are considering. Identify the essential oils and herbs that are listed, if any. This must be easy to find out as they are not chemical names such as Sodium lauryl sulphate, Formaldehyde etc.

They are names we easily recognise as plants like rose, lavender, tea tree and so on. If the listed ingredients are difficult to read, there are chances that they are either isolated chemicals, from a natural source or more likely they are synthetic or artificial chemicals that may be harmful.

Essential oils and herbs are natural, safe ingredients and maybe even certified organic. In any case, you know that these are herbal extracts or plant oils obtained from plants, rather than isolated synthetically produced ingredients.

Another trick is to find out who makes the products. If it’s a big company that produces products in bulk, there are chances that cosmetic chemists are involved, and that suggests that not all the ingredients used in the products are going to be natural. preservatives, fragrances and emulsifiers.

Instead look for small companies owned by medical herbalists, aromatherapy or people with qualifications in Alternative Medicine, as their philosophy is to produce natural, safe and effective products that do not harm your health.

The last thing you can do is to find out if the products you are interested in are natural or not, is to call the company and ask. Are all of your ingredients 100% natural?

If you take time to look around you’ll find quality information on natural organic skincare that is worth reading and remembering with greater confidence than doing your self-research and ask some direct questions.

Why Natural?

What will you think when you see, upon driving up to a nearby gas station, people use gasoline through their hair and purchasing mini bottles to use for foot and hand moisturization? Imagine if on visiting a chemical factory you saw the employees jumping into a huge jacuzzi whose bubbles and froth were generated by the leftovers from whatever they had manufactured that day.


The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry in which the idea of using only natural and pure ingredients to nourish the skin and hair is slowly but surely gaining momentum. There are a lot of imposters that are taking benefit of the all-natural buzz. That is the reason why the given information is designed to help those looking to make the transition navigate the waters irrespective of what stage you are at in your quest for natural beauty.