Few Benefits as well as Health Hazards of Using Mobile Phones

Wise Quoted – “Where Mobile Phones have taken over the world with the empowerment of shortened distance by making it Global Village.”

The rapid increase in mobile phone and their technology is vulnerably making our next generation more addicted to them. As far as the concern of the use of modern high-five techno traits where 5G is blooming with great essence at the same time the hazards of using mobile phones are seemingly attacking human activities. Some of the perils that have damaged the human eye.

Benefits of Mobile Phones

As we know a device has a lot of benefits along with cons as well. No doubt mobile phones have a lot of uncountable benefits. It has been made this world a global village, giving million and trillions of benefits but in this blog, a detailed discussion would be upon its side effects – perilous to health. Especially for those, who are patients of various diseases? An on-time treatment is better than latterly looking for medical equipment suppliers to buy tools to check high blood pressure.

Here is some detail about the major cons of using mobile phones that are a major cause of the following disorders.

  • Cause of Sleeping Disorders like Insomnia

15 years back mobile phones were seamlessly for everyone to buy one. But today most probably everyone has his mobile phone. The rising trend of owning a mobile phone is rapidly increasing these days. Even though, people spend their nights exploring apps and sleep when it 3 am or 4 am while spending hours and hours on WhatsApp, Facebook or Twitter. The regular awakening issues cause sleeping disorders like a fatigue disease called insomnia.

  • Increased Rate of Traffic Accidents

People don’t stop themselves from using mobile phones while driving. The carelessly use of mobile phones during driving is anonymously weird on the part of increasing the accident rate that led to an increase in death rate. It is such a crime that did not happen intentionally but can penalize you with a heavy fine and sometimes sentence to death. Statistics were recorded in 2017 about the death rate due to mobile phones use while driving revealed that 15000 people died every year due to the use of mobile while driving.

  • Depression and Stress

People who used to a lot of mobile phones remains alone and isolated i.e. departed from the rest of the world’s activities. They started feeling stress and remain in long-lasted depression. They complain about life and its hazards even they forget what they have given to their life and life is giving that thing back to them as a drawback. Such people lost the ethical values of the relationships and emotions attached to those relations. It is the major cause of their stress and anxiety.

  • Continuous use of Mobile causes Eye Problems

As technology is playing a more vital role in men’s lives than any edible stuff. Even the buying trend for books has been converted into e-book reading. The mobile is very small and people do read small size font without blinking their eyes. This causes eye redness, irritation and dryness. Excessive use of mobile phone causes the damaging of the sensitivity of retinal tissues. 

  • Continuous Headaches – Migraines

Migraine is famous as an abnormal headache. Yes, continuous use of the mobile phone will cause a headache daily but when you will firm on your daily routine it will divert into a stumble pain of half head called migraine. Many searches have found this pain in those people who continuously looks at the screen of mobile or laptop. 

Final Thought… In the nutshell, we have concluded that health hazard is more prominent than using a mobile with benefits. As earlier, the people lived more life with added days to their lives. Nowadays. A lot of diseases have been introduced due to the constant use of mobile phones. The research said that Einstein’s brain gave a message that soon honey bees are going to vanish due to the bizz-buzz voices of the phones and their rays. It is a thought-provoking moment that we should get simple with life rather than always having phones in our palms with chances of having risks of numberless diseases.