Helpful Advice By Dr. Max Mongelli You Should Follow For Smooth Pregnancy

While pregnancy brings a lot of hormonal and physical changes in the body, some tips surely helps to keep the pregnancy and delivery a smooth process. Obstetrician like Dr Max Mongelli suggest some simple tips one should follow. Read to know. 

Having a baby is not only about building a family and it is also about making healthier choices towards a healthy pregnancy. Improving eating habits, lifestyle changes, and physical activity are some of the prime changes a woman makes for a healthy delivery. As per gynaecologists like Dr Max Mongelli, below are some crucial things to take care that will help expected mothers or planning to be one.

Healthy Weight:

Regular monitoring of body weight in consultation with your doctor is imperative during pregnancy. As per experts like Max Mongelli, gaining lot of weight doesn’t mean healthy pregnancy. It leads to numerous health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity along with many others. An adequate amount of weight helps in smoother pregnancy and delivery. 

Obstetrician like Dr Max Mongelli advises to gain weight up to 4 pounds in the first trimester and around 2-4 pounds each month thereafter until delivery. 

Healthy and Balanced Diet:

Having a balanced diet doesn’t mean eating a lot. A well-balanced diet for pregnant women depends on various things. Some of them are:

  • Weight before pregnancy
  • Age
  • Tendency for gaining weight
  • Obesity before pregnancy
  • Having over one child

As per gynaecologists like Max Mongelli and others, eating for two during pregnancy is a myth and isn’t true. A balanced diet means consuming the adequate food, beverages and water for the growth of the body. Experts recommend foods like:

  • Fruits and vegetables that include vitamin and fibre
  • Whole grains- oatmeal, whole-grain bread, brown rice, etc.
  • Fat-free or low-fat milk and other milk products that include calcium and vitamin D
  • Protein-rich food like eggs, meat, beans, peas, seafood, nuts, seeds, etc. 
  • Limiting salt, solid fats, sugar-based drinks and foods, etc.

Physical activity: 

All obstetricians like Dr Max Mongelli suggests being physically active during pregnancy. Some light and regular exercises keep the pregnant woman active. It also benefits by:

  • Helping the  mother and the baby gain the right weight
  • Reducing backaches, leg cramps, bloating, length of labour
  • Helps reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Helps reduce postpartum depression too
  • Also reduces the chances of C-section

Expert Gynaecologists like Max Mongelli suggest making a plan for activities work. Walking, prenatal yoga, light aerobics, etc works towards the goal of a healthy pregnancy. Along with this, they also advise to not skip breakfast, avoid undercooked meat or dishes, drink enough fluids, and check with the doctor regularly are some more tips to adhere to for a smooth pregnancy.