Herbs for Sleep 5 Herbs That Help You Sleep Better

Sleep is one of the most important ingredients that keep your body running in perfect order. Sleep strikes a healthy balance within the body that keeps the chemical balance of the body in control. While you sleep your body rests and your muscles and mind both relax from stress and anxiety providing the much-needed energy to sustain the next day.Getting a good amount of sleep is thus very important for your health. Sleep helps your body function properly. Proper sleep can improve your learning, memory, decision-making, and even your creativity.

While on the other hand Insufficient sleep or sleep apnea has been linked to a higher risk of conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Though we have been researching a lot into the field of sleep and have known a lot as to why sleep is important, how it influences the body and brain and what are the factors that are responsible for sleep-related diseases such as sleep apnea and Insomnia. But our sleep quality and quantity are at an all-time low with more and more people experiencing poor sleep.    

Though some progress has been made in the field that has suggested that the solution to healthy sleeping is not a single pill that will solve all your sleep-related ailments but instead it is a combination of good sleep practices and some major lifestyle changes for a constant period to seek some definite improvements.

Therefore various recommendations are made for a good night’s sleep be it a mattress of the right size and quality with an organic cotton sheet .Cooling supportive pillow and a luxurious rug in a room where the environment is just right with the right light and minimum noise. Avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco before sleep is also very useful before sleep. Other than that, some herbs can help you reduce stress and make you feel relaxed so that you can have a peaceful sleep.

These non-prescribed herbs are for people with milder notions of anxiety and stress that don’t let them sleep. For severe insomnia resulting from anxiety, it is recommended to visit Physician before inducing any medicine. 

The Five Herbs for Sleep

Below we have mentioned five of the most essential herbs for sleep that will aid you in receiving a good night’s sleep.   

Lavender:Lavender is one of the most widely used herbs that helps in inducing sleep. Lavender facilities sleep by calming anxious nerves. Lavender is also known to improve the quality of sleep by helping you sleep throughout the night. The most common form through which lavender is induced is in the form of essential oils. Lavender oil is great to diffuse in your bedroom at least 30 minutes before your sleep. However, Lavender can also be consumed as “lavender Tea”. People with mixed anxiety disorder are known to use lavender oil as a supplement form for a better night’s sleep.

 It is also known for its appealing and relaxing sensation scent as is a common component in perfumes, bath, and body products.

Chamomile:- One of the most trusted herbs that are known as a natural remedy for insomnia or even as a treatment for Insomnia is chamomile. Even someone who has trouble falling asleep is suggested chamomile. Chamomile has often been reputed as a mild tranquilizer and has even been known to improve cardiovascular conditions as well as stimulate the immune systems.

Chamomile can be used to replace sleeping pills or sleep supplements as it would be a more natural and effective alternative. Therefore if you want the chamomile to be more effective take chamomile tea at night as a part of regular self-care. In addition to a cup of chamomile, having a warm bath or meditation will also help facilitate a healthy sleep cycle with proper REM and Non-REM moments thus improving the sleep cycle. Chamomile is usually used as a herbal infusion tea or herbal medicine. In any of its forms, it is equally effective.

Magnolia Bark:- Magnolia Bark acts as a natural sleep supplement that is often used to replace the regular sleep supplement. It is recommended with a lower dose while increasing the dose with every session. The effectiveness of magnolia bark is so profound that it is not advisable to take it during the daytime or while driving a vehicle. It works by relaxing the mind and inducing drowsiness and deep REM sleep.

The stress hormone and the body`s Cortisol level are also known to be lowered by Magnolia bark if consumed orally. One capsule per day should be enough to correct the body’s circadian rhythm. Magnolia bark is so effective that sometimes it’s considered harmful while considering drug interactions. Therefore it is advised to consult your physician first before taking magnolia bark if you are on other medication. 

Valerian Root:- The flower of valerian is used as a scent in various baths and beauty products for its attractive scent. But the root of the valerian has a great medicinal value. Valerian root is known to promote relaxation by helping you to quit racing thoughts thus promoting peaceful sleep. Valerian roots effectiveness can be traced from the fact that they have been in use for centuries now and were used by the Greeks and Romans with effective results.  

It is a mild stimulant and is consumed commonly in Tea. It also comes in the form of a capsule, dietary pills, and tinctures

Blue Skullcap:Also known as American Skull cap. Its benefits are known to be potential anti-anxiety benefits. Its early research suggests that this herb produces a calming effect on an anxious person and is also known to suppress anxiety. These leaves are generally found in tea form and powder. Besides these Skull cap are known to cause serious liver functional issues therefore these leaves should be taken after consultation with a physician

Using Herbal Sprays for Sleep

Herbal Sprays:- Apart from using these herbs as herbal teas and medicine they can be used with the same efficiency if they are used as sprays. Some of these herbal scented linen sprays as lavender have a serious impact on sleep quality, Spraying some of these scents on your sheets and pillows for a longer lasting scent and effect. Even spraying them on your bed rugs and carpets makes them more efficient and effective in yielding results.

Herbal oil and teas will work their way to reduce stress and anxiety and improve your sleep quality. But a good herbal oil or a noiseless environment won’t be of any use as they won’t be able to fix a sagging mattress that acts as a stumbling block in your way of receiving perfect sound sleep.

Therefore one of the most important ingredients to sleep is to get a perfect mattress that perfectly suits your body and gives you an undisturbed sleep after consuming your favorite herbal tea.  


Herbs are known to offer sleep remedies for centuries. They mostly work in reducing anxiety in us and improving relaxation thus improving the sleep quality by stretching the sleep cycle. But these medicines might not fare well with other drugs that you might be already using for some other ailment. Therefore a physician should be consulted before starting their use. However, if the physician approves of the same then the same can be used to improve your sleep cycle.