How Does Online Permitting Portal Work?

How Does Online Permitting Portal Work

Gone are the days when one had to wait for weeks, sometimes even months, to get a permit. Due to the heavy population, getting a chance quicker was nothing less than a dream. Waiting in line at a government office to file a permit is a thing of the past, thanks to digitization, which has revolutionized the way most businesses operate.

The fact that traditional permitting necessitates in-person visits can cost citizens both time and money. With the advancement of technology, everything has now shifted to online processes.

We now look forward to going through the process of an online permit portal. Also, there is an assumption that usage of these online permitting portals is very complicated but the truth is it isn’t very complicated but the process is rather simple.

There are also numerous benefits to the usage of online permit portals which are:

Perks of Using Online Permit Portals

Time is saved:

One should take time as money, as it is equivalent or even more precious in nature. Hence, we must come up with ways to be able to save it. In addition, the resident would have had to return to the government office whenever a follow-up was required. On the other hand, online permit portal allow residents to rapidly check the status of their permits online, saving time and allowing them to focus on their schedules.

Processing time is reduced:

When there isn’t an online permit portal, the staff is frequently overburdened with individuals and papers. This not only reduces efficiency but also significantly increases turnaround time. You may help your office workers process more paperwork in a shorter amount of time by investing in an online permit gateway.

Accountability for the process:

To meet deadlines, management must track the responsibilities of the concerned managers at specific stages. Online permit portals can be extremely useful in this situation because they allow management to keep track of project timelines. 

Carbon footprint is reduced:

Solutions that aren’t based on paper are the way of the future! In most cases, traditional permitting entails making multiple copies of various documents, which are then stored somewhere in the government office. Governments can contribute to the global effort to become more environmentally friendly by investing in an online permit solution.

Paperless solutions reduce the number of phone calls and office visits and the paper handling and storage typically required during the traditional permitting process. Not only can municipalities, but they can also provide a much faster and more user-friendly consumer experience.

Improves resident satisfaction

Online permitting can make doing business with residents much easier for government agencies. Residents’ satisfaction can be improved, new community development opportunities can be attracted, and communities can grow with the help of a digital permit solution.

Residents will also have a real-time view of the status of their applications, which will increase their trust in the government agency and prevent them from calling or visiting the office ahead of time.

Aside from the advantages listed above, online permit portal also aid in the reduction of entry and filing errors. For example, if a user forgets to fill out a required field, they will not continue applying. Similarly, government officials’ paperwork errors will be drastically minimized.