How to Deal with Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain?

According to data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 20% of adults struggled with chronic pain in 2019. More than 7% of adults struggled with high-impact chronic pain that limited their daily activities.

Are you one of the millions of adults who struggles with chronic pain? Are you struggling with chronic neck and shoulder pain?

If you are, you’ll find useful tips to help you deal with that pain in this guide. Keep reading to learn more.

Ice and Heat Can Help

If you’ve suffered a recent injury that affected your neck and shoulder, ice can help. Ice can help you manage your pain and reduce inflammation in the area as well. You can use an ice pack or cold spray to relieve swelling in that area.

Chronic pain that remains after an injury can be relieved using heat. Heat applied to your neck or shoulder will relax the muscles in that area and will also help increase the blood flow to it. Use a heating pad or hot towel.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another good option if you’re struggling with neck and shoulder pain. A trained massage therapist can manipulate the muscles in that area to stimulate tension and pain relief.

This manual manipulation also promotes the production of endorphins which naturally eliminate pain. Massage therapy is great if you’re dealing with chronic back pain as well.

Try Cupping Therapy

Another chronic pain treatment you should consider for your neck and shoulder pain is cupping therapy. Cupping is an ancient therapy that uses glass cups to create a suction, vacuum-like, effect on the body. Cupping is a natural way to relieve pain.

Cupping therapy promotes blood flow throughout the body and to the affected area. This increase in blood flow sends more oxygen to the affected area.

The increase in oxygen promotes healing and this is how it relieves pain in the neck and shoulder. Try cupping for pain management today.

Stretching Helps

If you’re looking for other natural chronic pain relief methods you should consider different stretching exercises. Stretching every day can help relieve tension and pain in your neck and shoulders caused by stress.

Try rolling your shoulders forward and backward. You can also squeeze your shoulder blades back against your spine, hold for a few seconds and then release them. Tilt one ear down toward your shoulder and then repeat in the opposite direction.


Electrotherapy, also called electrical nerve stimulation, is a form of pain relief for chronic pain if you want to avoid taking over-the-counter or prescription pain medications.

The electrical currents are mild and will disrupt the pain signals you’re experiencing. Only try this therapy with a trained professional.

Tips for Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief

If you’re experiencing chronic neck and shoulder pain then you should consider some of the natural therapies in this guide for pain relief. Try cupping therapy or daily stretches to help. Check out some of the other health blogs on our site if you found this one helpful.