How to Drive Business Success with Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is becoming one of the most prominent terms for mapping work satisfaction. In today’s day and age, employees are looking for more than the conventional 9-5 set up. In fact, they want to enjoy their work, be enthusiastic about their workplace and for companies, engaged employees add more productivity. But, that’s not all. Some examples of employee engagement include having a clear set of defined values, assigning a mentor for every newcomer, have a proper work ethos set for teams, have team building activities as well and much more. Here are some more details on it:

Defining Employee Engagement

To understand which is the employee engagement best practice, you need to start with understanding the term first. An engaged employee is “one who is completely absorbed and also quite enthusiastic about work, so it helps with taking a positive action to further the organization’s reputation as well as their interests”.

An engaged employee can help keep up a positive attitude towards the organization as well as follow its values. On the other hand, a disengaged employee may just complete the bare minimum and may even go up to malign the reputation of the firm.

In a lot of workplaces, employee engagement strategies are targeted at complete employee satisfaction and giving an avant-garde employee experience. This starts from the interview process and can go up to when they leave the company.

Significance of Employee Engagement

Now that you have an idea about employee engagement definition, let’s understand why it is prominent. With successful employee engagement, companies get a better and more productive employee base who is passionate. It is reflected in their outcomes.

To curate better employment engagement strategies, you need to use employee communication to your advantage. It is the most important tool which helps in developing strong working relationships amongst different employees and also achieve higher rates of productivity. Companies that offer clear communication can help in building trust amongst employees.

Communication, connection as well as engagement are actually the most vital aspects for organization growth- which help both on internal and external levels.

Often, companies miss core issues that are related to employee engagement, because they think some level of gratification may be involved here. Most leaders feel that employees leave their company because of a lack of growth or better opportunities in other places. But, the truth is that employees can compromise a little on the salary, but they want a workplace that gives them emotional satisfaction.

Additionally, some more factors that impact employee engagement include the amount of trust employees have in the leadership of the company. Additionally, the employee relationships with management as well as the supervisors have quite an important role to play.

Improving Employee Engagement

The onus of creating effective employee engagement strategies lies on the shoulders of HR. They are required to create an environment that can encourage the employees to effortlessly be connected to their workplace.

But, one of the most important ways to understand employee engagement is to make sure that you are clear on the communication and the employees are understanding the overall purpose of these activities. The following section will cover different ways to plan efficient employee engagement activities:

Ways to Improve Employee Engagement

As we have established that you can actually improve the performance of your employees by improving the employee engagement activities of the company. This helps the HR team as well, as it really enhances their value as human resource professionals. While most of the activities that they need to plan are dependant on the culture of the company, there are certain steps that HR professionals can do to increase the overall employee engagement of the company:

  •  It is imperative that while drawing out employee engagement activities, the concerned staff develops proper and clear internal lines of communication to carry out the strategy properly within the company itself. For instance, if there is a hackathon being planned by a tech company, the internal community channel should have the right updates so that the employees are aware.
  • Have a fit gratification which helps the employees engage better. So, for instance; you can give them a course in which they are interested or you can also send them off for international conferences to increase their exposure. However, this can be based on their work progress. Nobody likes conventional structures and these extra opportunities will surely help with higher engagement.
  • It is also important that you enable and promote the proper organization through clear and transparent communication. An employee feels most engaged when they are heard and acknowledged. Have a system set up as HR to ensure that all grievances are addressed on time and you also provide employee motivation.
  • We recommend a proper workforce communication problem that can help you engage better with your employees. This can also help in integrating your communication channels which include the internet, email as well as a mobile app.
  • Encourage and motivate your employees to use social media. Because over 82% of employees believe that their work relationships can improve by staying connected on social media channels.

Try and get leadership involved so that the employees feel valued and intermittently they can have communication with them as well. This can help in feeling like the workplace adheres to their opinions and the importance is reflected in work.

Key takeaways

When it comes to employee engagement activities, we have to work our way around what is engagement exactly. Only with that understanding can we go ahead, and create proper employment engagement strategies. Investing in a team communication tool or an instant messaging app such as Oneteam can be incremental to drive the employee engagement efforts.

The idea is to be more of a strategist as compared to just simply being a communicator. Employee engagement best practice is only that which can help generate productivity and drive a lot more business success.

Happier employees help promote the company, give a lot more input and would go out of their way to keep up with the innovations too. The leadership needs to instruct HR to create a perfect plan for following employee engagement best practices so that employees stay happy and committed to their work.