Wave’ is a trendy hairstyle. Particularly among people who have curly hair. However, there are many people just like you who are in love with this hairstyle. So much so that they want it badly even though they have straight hair. 

Now time for the million-dollar question! Is it even possible to develop this hairstyle on straight hair? In short, the answer is- YES! You can. But How? That is the thing we are going to discuss now in detail. Stay with us to know what you need to do to get waves with that straight hair of yours.

Figure out your hair type

The first thing first, you need to do is ascertain what kind of hair you have. Is it completely straight, or has it at least some type of natural wave to them? It is essential to find this answer in order to proceed forward. To know this, simply let your hair grow. Grow it out a couple of inches long. You will hopefully start to notice some kind of natural wave in your hair. If you do not see any natural wave in your hair, it might, unfortunately, mean that your hair is straight entirely, and it can be almost impossible to get waves on it. 

If your hair holds a shape like a letter ‘S’ and has an exact pattern throughout, it means you have just the perfect hair for waving. What about the others then? Well, if you are someone who has at least the slightest of natural waves in your hair, we suggest you give it a shot.

Get a good quality medium wave brush

A top-notch medium wave brush is what you need next. Please try to avoid the hard brushes. They will be too rough on your hair and will wipe out any potential waves you are going to achieve. This is due to the reason that dense brushes pull your already straight hair excessively. And avoid using combs on your waves till they are completely developed and ready. A comb might express your curls more, but they won’t help in generating them.

Always choose a brush that grips comfortably in your palm. Look for brushes with non-synthetic bristles as they are resistant to splits, tears or damages. But if you notice any kind of allergic reaction or irritation in your scalp, then don’t use this brush anymore and shift to a brush with soft bristles instead.

Brush regularly and appropriately

It is necessary to brush your hair regularly and in a similar pattern if you want to get waves with your straight hair. Try brushing the complete surface area of the front section of your head. The results will be outstanding. Brushing for a long time on a regular basis is important as it coerces your hair to develop a wave pattern and helps the pattern to maintain its shape. Make brushing a part of your daily schedule. 

Do it whenever you can. It doesn’t matter if you are enjoying your favorite show on TV and brushing your hair between the commercials. And remember to brush in a similar pattern always. The best way to brush your hair is to brush forward from the crown towards your forehead. Do this 50 times.

Now brush your hair from the crown to the collar of your neck. And please take the help of a mirror while doing so. It will ensure you don’t leave any section of your back hair unbrushed. Do so for 50 times. Many guys complain that they are unable to achieve waves at their back section. This is because they did not brush their back hair properly. Keep in mind to brush your hair always in the same direction. The bristles will do the wave building job, but your duty is to be persistent with your brushing direction each and every time.

Lastly, Brush your hair at the sides towards the chin of your head 50 times. Direct the brush strokes downwards a little. This way, the brush will be pointed toward your jaw instead of pointing towards your cheekbones.

Follow the method we mentioned above to brush your hair properly. Repeat this brushing procedure at least 3 times a day, if not more. This will make your waves much more detailed. Please note that the more you brush your hair, the quicker you get to see the results.

Du-rag your hair to protect your waves

Don’t forget to wear a du-rag or wave caps from the very first day you create your waves. We suggest you purchase a silk du-rag for the best results. Make sure the du-rag is tight but not too tight. If you are concerned about the du-rag coming undone while you are asleep, wear a headband for some added safety. Keep your du-rag clean and neat so that it does not develop an accumulation of products that can be harmful to your hair.

Apply moisturizer regularly

You should use some kind of moisturizing product on your waves 1-2 times per week. Regular brushing dries out your hair. In order to keep your hair moisturized, we suggest you use natural products that are free from petroleum. Olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil or natural pomade is ideal for this purpose.

Maintain your waves

Once you have achieved your waves, your job is to make sure that they stay as they are. Avoid running your fingers through your hair. Doing this will ruin all the brush jobs you have done. Leave your hair alone and only touch it when you need to

Try to visit your barber every once in a while to get your waves trimmed. Probably once or twice in 4 weeks will be enough. Don’t forget to inform the barber about your waves so that they can cut your hair in layers. You must keep brushing your hair every day at least 3 times. If you don’t do so, they are possibly going to return to their natural shape. 


Well, this was pretty much it. If you are really patient and stay committed to this regimen, we are hopeful that you will be able to create some excellent waves, even with your straight hair! 

We wish you all the very best on your journey to excellent waves!