How To Help Your Daughter Choose Her Makeup

How To Help Your Daughter Choose Her Makeup

When it comes to being a young woman, one of the very first rites of passage for many is an interest in makeup. This shows a new awareness of one’s appearance, and a need to enhance every aspect of that appearance. However,  choosing makeup could be a bit confusing for a young girl. There are so many kinds, and they could either be very expensive or downright dangerous to use. As a parent, it is your job to help your daughter choose her own makeup. Here are some tips on how to help your daughter choose her makeup.

1.  Ask Her Why She Wants To Use Makeup

Before you shell out your hard earned money on makeup, you should know why your daughter wants to use makeup. These could be a number of reasons. Some just want to experiment, or look attractive. Some want to look and feel older. Some girls are just naturally artistic and want to experiment. Whatever your daughter’s reason may be, it is important that you are supportive and that you help her choose wisely.

2.  Pricing Is Key

When you do find out the reason why your daughter wants to buy makeup, it is the time to check their prices. In past years, makeup has become a multi- billion dollar business.  New companies have sprung up, and the beauty business has gained a large following. This has also affected the pricing for these makeups. What was once an affordable product has become a luxury brand.

Celebrities have also made their own beauty brands, and are asking exorbitant prices for makeup. There is a chance that your daughter will pressure you into buying luxury makeup for them. In these cases, you should know that these brands are too expensive, and your daughter would most likely not know how to use them anyways. If you want to be on the safe side, it is just best that you go with department store brands. They are a lot cheaper, and will still allow your daughter to experiment.  Most important of all, you won’t have to shell out a small fortune on makeup.

3.  Check Their Safety Standards

Aside from checking the prices for makeup, it is important that you check for their safety standards. Remember that there are a great number of makeup manufacturers out there. A good number do follow safety precautions, however some do not. This is especially true for beauty items such as artificial eyelashes. When it comes to a product that is placed near your eyes, there is a real danger that it might irritate your daughter’s eyes. As a precaution, it is a good idea to choose good quality premade lash fans bulk from Starseed. The company is known for top notch artificial lashes, and could give safe and easy to use lashes for a very affordable price. Remember that your daughter should wash her hands before applying anything to her eyes. As a precaution, it is best if you buy hand sanitizers for your home.

When you buy makeup such as foundation, or eyeliner it is important that you check their ingredients. Is there anything that your daughter is allergic to? This might seem like a lot of work, however, your daughter’s safety is on the line, so you should go the extra mile.

4.  Practice Proper Skincare

While it is ok for your daughter to try out makeup, this does not mean that they should forget about their skincare. Remember that no matter how good quality your makeup may be, it won’t be of any use if your skin is irritated or blemished. If you want your daughter to have good skin, it is a good idea to teach her about proper skincare. Instill in her a need to cleanse her skin at the end of the day. She should also make it a habit to moisturize her skin, and use various tonics that help scrape away old makeup and dead skin cells. If she does touch her face, she should also use gloves to lessen chances of contamination.

5.  Ask For Help

If you are not really that familiar with makeup, don’t worry. There are a lot of resources where you could ask for much needed help. There are various beauty vloggers that could help you and your daughter choose. Just be careful with their recommendations, because some of their content is sponsored, so you never know if they are just biased. However there are some beauty influencers that really do know their stuff. You could even comment on their channels to ask about key makeup advice.

6.  Ask Her What Style She Is Into

Aside from asking other people for help, you should also consult your daughter what style  she wants to take up, and what kind of makeup she wants to buy. Remember that this is your daughter’s time to experiment, so you should give her some space to find her own style.

7.  Know When To Put Your Foot Down

Although it is normal for your prepubescent daughter to be interested in makeup, and that you should take an interest in her makeup as a hobby, this does not mean that you let her do whatever she wants. Remember that she is still a minor, and if she chooses makeup that makes her too mature, then this would be sending out the wrong message. As a whole, it is important that you know when to put your foot down. Remember that you are still the adult, and it is your duty to look out for your child.


If you want to help your daughter with choosing her makeup, it always helps to know the basics about makeup. With these tips, you’ll be able to help your daughter get the best makeup possible.