How to Make the Most of Your Fitness Goals

How to Make the Most of Your Fitness Goals

Did you start the new year by setting fitness goals for yourself?

If you’re like 80% of Americans, you abandoned those goals by February.

We get it. It’s tough to stay motivated when you can’t see progress right away. And some days you simply don’t feel like lacing up your sneakers and doing something physical.

How can you change those bad habits and finally achieve your fitness goals? Here are five tips that will help.

1. Choose a Fitness Workout You Enjoy

It doesn’t matter how much your best friend raves about yoga or your partner gushes about running. If you dislike yoga and running, you’re not going to stick with a workout that involves those activities.

Start by choosing an activity you truly enjoy and look forward to doing. It could be as adventurous as horseback riding or as routine as walking on the treadmill. Find a setting you enjoy too, whether it’s indoors or outside, alone or with friends.

Are you a social butterfly? Grab your besties and sign up for a dance class together. Prefer to stay at home? Grab some weights and try a basic home workout plan from

2. Set SMART Goals

Successful goals are specific goals. It’s not enough to say you want to “lose weight” or “get fit.” You have to dig deeper than that.

Choose fitness goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

For example, you could set the SMART goal of losing 10 pounds in 10 weeks or signing up for a 5K race this summer. 

3. Think in Positives (Not Negatives)

You’re more likely to be successful when you put a positive tone on your goals.

Rather than vowing to “never eat junk food” again, you could set the goal of eating vegetables with every meal. Rather than vowing to “not be fat” anymore, strive to lose a pound a week or a dress size within a month.

4. Get an Accountability Partner

It’s possible to achieve fitness goals on your own, but you’re much more likely to succeed when someone has your back.

Ideally, that “someone” can join you in your efforts to work out, eat better, and practice self-care. If they can’t physically be present, make plans to check in with them daily or weekly so they can motivate you to stay on track.

5. Make It Meaningful

If your goals don’t mean anything to you personally, you won’t stick with them. Dig deep and think of how achieving your goals will positively affect your life.

Do you want to lose weight so you’ll have more energy to play with your kids? Do you want to work out regularly to boost your mental and emotional health? Do you finally want to achieve your life-long goal of hiking the Grand Canyon?

Make it meaningful to you and you’re sure to stick with it!

Successfully Achieve Your Fitness Goals

It’s not always easy to see progress or remain positive when it comes to our fitness goals.

If you’ve been struggling to find the right fitness workout for you, use the tips above to spur motivation!

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