How to Prevent Cyber Attacks: 4 Tips for Businesses

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks: 4 Tips for Businesses

Did you know that 43% of small to medium-sized businesses have no cybersecurity plan? So, it’s no wonder SMBs account for 43% of all data breaches. Worse, 83% of SMBs don’t have the financial means to recover from an attack.

That’s enough reason to learn how to prevent cyber attacks from ruining your business. Otherwise, you may end up having to close it for good.

But don’t worry; we’re here to share tips for preventing cyber attacks. So, keep reading to discover what you can do to protect your business.

1. Enforce the Golden Security Rule

The “Security Rule” is a law under the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.

The law, titled § 164.308 Administrative Safeguards, covers specific entities and business associates. Under this, all covered parties must implement a security awareness and training program.

So, why not execute the same plan, even if you’re running a business not covered by the law? For example, you can train your employees about the massive consequences of cyberattacks. The better they understand, the more likely they will be wary of risks, such as phishing emails.

2. Identify and Address Security Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in IT infrastructures that cybercriminals can exploit. Some examples are weak passwords, bring-your-own-device (BYOD) practices, and legacy technology. They can act as vectors for all forms and types of cyber attacks and malware infiltration.

Therefore, minimizing small business cybersecurity risks involves knowing its vulnerabilities. The good news is that you don’t have to do it yourself; you can outsource your IT ecosystem’s assessment to pros. To learn more about this, check out the guide on cybersecurity assessment found here.

3. Use Enterprise Security Software

Enterprise security software is a program that scans an IT infrastructure’s endpoints. That lets it track and prevent suspicious traffic from infiltrating the network. In addition, it helps to discover and potentially stop malicious activities.

Some enterprise security programs also help isolate and contain suspicious files. Others offer remote assistance to address issues virtually. There are even a few connected to a 24/7 monitoring center.

The bottom line is that you must use a robust security program to protect against cyber attacks. So, as early as today, explore your options, including Symantec, Kaspersky, and Malwarebytes.

4. Always Keep Software up to Date

Using the most expensive security programs won’t help if you let them become outdated. One reason is that old software versions have bugs and flaws that hackers find easier to exploit. They can then launch an attack when they discover such vulnerabilities.

Likewise, ensure you update your operating systems when an update becomes available. Do the same for all other apps you use on your business computers. You can simplify things by enabling automatic updates on all these programs.

That’s How to Prevent Cyber Attacks

And there you have it, the most crucial facts on how to prevent cyber attacks from putting you out of business. As you can see, it all starts with security training and education. After that, have pros assess your IT systems, and lastly, always use up-to-date software.

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