How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint While Travelling

How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint While Travelling

With an increasingly sharp societal focus on climate change and the effect it’s having on our planet, it falls on all of us to take responsibility for our choices and how they contribute to the problem. The UK government has put together its Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution which aims to tackle the issue on a wider scale, but how can we as individuals do our bit?

One of the major sources of pollutants are the emissions produced by motor vehicles. We need them to get around on a regular basis, of course, and for many they’re a necessity in order to get to work. But what can we do to reduce the number of cars on our roads and subsequently limit our carbon footprint?

Go electric

Data from the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders reveals that the first two months of 2022 saw almost 25,000 new battery electric vehicles registered in the UK. That represents an increase of 154% compared to the same period in 2021 – a sure sign of the rising popularity of emission-free cars. So, why not do your bit for the environment by making the switch to electric power?

Use public transport

Another option is to limit the number of vehicles on the roads by taking the bus or train. If you live on the outskirts but work in the capital, chances are you already take the train into London as part of your commute. But any opportunity to take public transport will help to reduce your carbon footprint – and it means you can read, listen to music or doze to your heart’s content!


Alternatively, why not take the bike wherever you can? It might not be suitable if you live a long way from work, but there’s nothing to stop you using it for popping down to the shops or riding over to see friends and family. Every emission-free journey means a small battle won in the fight against climate change.


And the same can be said of walking. Of course, it’s not feasible to walk absolutely everywhere, but it’s excellent exercise and a brisk stroll can do wonders for your mental wellbeing too. So, instead of using the car for every little errand, consider taking a wander instead – it’s especially gratifying when the weather is kind.

Car share

If you do need to take the car, for example to get to work, consider sharing with friends or colleagues who live nearby. You can always take it in turns and you’ll save plenty on fuel as well as limiting your carbon emissions.