MT: Relationship During the Pandemic: Cope with These Challenges

Relationship During the Pandemic

MD:Boredom, depression, and anxiety are some of the issues that couples face during the pandemic. Read on to discover how to maintain a healthy relationship. 

How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As couples continue to spend more time in the same space during the coronavirus lockdown, it is not surprising that more and more relationship issues occur. Underlying issues like disrupted routines, anxiety related to work, child care challenges, and lack of social connections may lead partners to vent out their frustrations on each other.

Of course, some couples find the positives: the pandemic offers a chance to become closer and more connected as they spend more time together. However, for most, there are unforeseen challenges, some of which we explore in this article.

Facing a hard time in your relationships during coronavirus? Find out how to keep your relationship healthy and happy.

What Are the Challenges of Living with a Partner During the Pandemic?

The coronavirus pandemic is straining relationships. Some of the challenges couples face include:


Dating during COVID-19 can be especially challenging. The pandemic has forced people to live in isolation, with social interactions being reduced to the bare minimum.

And there is a difference between being bored for one day and boredom that lasts months.

Since we are living in unforeseen times, many people miss the usual fun and excitement that existed before the pandemic. Travel restrictions and limitations placed on outdoor movements, sporting events, and most forms of entertainment, have left most people feeling like they are missing out on a lot of fun.

Being bored with life can translate into being bored with your partner really fast. Couples with limited entertainment and restricted movement can sometimes have little to talk about.

Also, romance can sometimes start to decline if you are always sitting in your sweatpants the whole day. You may need to put in extra effort to generate and maintain a spark in your relationship so that you can feel more than just two people sharing a room. And online therapy can help you a lot in this.

Spending Too Much Together Time

Dating during COVID-19 can feel like a roller coaster ride.

Well, in normal times, most couples desire to spend more time together as a way of strengthening their relationships. However, during the pandemic, most couples have to spend more time around their partners than they used to.

Whether you like to spend your mornings alone reading or cleaning up the house, the pandemic has meant spending more time together.

However, some time away from your partner can help you to recharge and find yourself. In usual circumstances, you will find that being away from your spouse, even for a few hours can help you appreciate the moments you spend together.

Mental Health Issues

Evidence shows that mental health issues, including coronavirus anxiety and depression, have been on the rise during the pandemic. According to the CDC, more than 40 percent of adults in the United States are also experiencing mental health problems related to substance abuse.

This is serious because due to coronavirus, mental health illnesses complicate relationships. During these uncertain times, it is important to work towards maintaining your psychological well-being to be able to support your partner.

Elevated Stress and Fewer Relievers

Another considerable challenge that couples are facing during the coronavirus pandemic is increased stressors. The news these days is filled with reports of increasing death tolls and economic disasters. With stress levels already high due to the uncertainty that surrounds the pandemic, issues are bound to arise.

Even more frustrating is the fact that social amenities like gyms and coffee shops have been closed to mitigate the pandemic. The outcome is that people in relationships tend to take out their frustrations on each other.

We are depending more on those we love for social support, which can also be draining for them. Find ways to relieve your own stress and maintain healthy social support to keep your relationship strong.

Differences in Priorities

Another challenge that couples are facing as a result of coronavirus and relationships is differences in terms of what is considered a priority. What was once important may have lost its significance as people are forced to reexamine their values.

Many couples around the world are encountering conflicts as they try to balance social, familial, safety, and health obligations. For instance, your partner may wish to go ahead with remodeling the house, but the task may have fallen far down your priority list.

Disagreeing on priorities may be stressful, but the two of you can find a middle ground for the sake of your relationships during COVID-19. If you are not careful to communicate your concerns, there is always the risk that you may start working against each other.

The success of your relationship depends on your ability to work as a team. So, create time to reexamine and talk about priorities and what may have changed.

8 Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dating during COVID-19 requires us to adjust and put in more effort. The pandemic has transformed our personal relationships in unforeseen ways, forcing people to love closer together with some, and further apart from others.

Life in lockdown often means that people have to remain in close and constant contact with their partners and families. At the same time, social distancing has isolated us from our friends and wider communities.

In China and around the world, divorce ratings have increased drastically during the pandemic. Of course, being confronted with the challenges that are associated with the coronavirus pandemic can create a tipping point in relationships.

Couples should work on things or they will have growing challenges that may result at the end of the relationship.

The good news is that your relationship can still thrive even during the pandemic. Here are some tips on how to keep a relationship healthy despite the challenges presented by COVID-19.

Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is the most important strategy to help you reduce stress and anxiety during the pandemic. Currently, everyone is struggling with changing schedules. For the success of relationships during coronavirus, it is important to start by taking care of oneself.

Given the uncertainty involved, establishing and maintaining some form of routine is more critical than ever before. Consider waking up and going to bed around the same time each day.

Also, ensure that you maintain a healthy diet and drink lots of water. Most importantly, find ways to engage in physical activity, not only for your mental but also physical health.

Schedule breaks to rest, and consider such relaxation techniques as meditation and yoga to break up your day and allow you and your partner to remain grounded.

Respect Each Other’s Space and Time

One of the clashing points between coronavirus and relationships is the fact that people are having to spend more time together than they would ordinarily like. If this is the case, you may find it ideal to minimize interruptions during the day, giving your spouse some space and time to spend on their own.

Create a balance between doing things you love together, and allocating some time to spend on individual interests. For example, you can go for a car ride or take a walk together. However, give each other some space to perform individual hobbies.

Practice Gratitude and Appreciation

There is no denying that the pandemic has been hard on all relationships during coronavirus. Of course, since no one is at their best, we cannot be expected to be perfect spouses. However, we need to appreciate the efforts our partners make.

Show gratitude for your partner’s willingness to make an effort. When people feel appreciated and understood, they are likely to reciprocate the feelings.

Spend More Time Outside with Your Partner

Physical activity and spending time outdoors can be important ways to relax and reduce stress. If you and your partner were used to spending time exercising in the gym, you may need to find ways to keep up with your exercise routine.

Remember, physical activity is also important for your health, particularly in terms of controlling weight gain.

Work Together to Keep Children Occupied

Dating during COVID-19 can be even more challenging if you and your partner are raising children. Kids’ activities within the home environment for a prolonged period can be overwhelmingly stressful for working parents.

Tasks like helping with assignments, attending video meetings, while dealing with the emotions arising from negative news can be challenging.

Help your partner to plan children’s days ahead of time. Also, help each other to keep the kids engaged.

Organize for a Date Night

Don’t get so carried away with what is going on around you that you forget to create space for each other. Doing a date night can be an effective way to reignite the passion and remind yourself why you chose each other.

You could prepare a special meal with your partner, dress up, set the table, and have a nice date without even having to leave your home.

Broaden Your Support System

For the success of your relationships during coronavirus, try to understand that your partner is just one person, no matter how they’re amazing. Don’t lean on one single person for all your emotional and social needs.

Although the pandemic may have limited your movements, you can still maintain social contacts. Make use of technology and social media to keep up with your social network.

Ask for Help If You Need It

During the pandemic, you are likely to face numerous challenges, some of which can strain the bond you have with your partner. Mental health professionals can still help you through online therapy.

Online therapy platforms like Calmerry offer private and convenient ways to engage therapists online, ensuring flexibility and affordability. If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

How Can Online Therapy Help You Keep Your Relationship Strong?

One of the best things to have come out of the pandemic is the growing popularity of online relationship therapy. You don’t have to make up the statistic of couples whose relationships have ended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are feeling that your relationship needs improvement, consider getting professional help. You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to get support. All you need is an Internet connection. Engaging a couples’ counselor online can help reduce some of the tension and stress and make your relationship healthier and happier.