Natural Gas Flow Meter And Its Different Functions

Natural Gas Flow Meter

The American Gas Association is said to have declared a report that provides clear guidelines to obtain the best results while using a coriolis mater to measure natural gas.

Heating value

Gas flow volume offered by the gas flow meter is actually a volume reading. The fact is gas volume fails to consider gas quality or heat amount that is available when burned. As per heat available within the gas, utility customers get billed.

Gas quality is rather measured as well as adjusted in every billing cycle. Several names are given for it like therm value, heating value or calorific value.

Natural gas’ calorific value is easy to be obtained. For this a process is used namely, gas chromatograph to measure each gas constituent amount, namely,

  • Ethane
  • Methane
  • Water vapour
  • Carbon monoxide
  • hydrogen

Besides this, to convert to thermal energy from volume, gas temperature and pressure is to be considered. Generally, the problem does not lie with pressure. Rather, the Flow Meter gets installed downstream of the pressure regulator immediately.

Then, it gets calibrated for accurate pressure reading. Within the billing system of the utility, pressure compensation occurs.

But, it is not possible to handle varying temperature easily. A few meters have been designed with inbuilt temperature compensation. This is to ensure reasonable accuracy over designed temperature range. The others are rectified electronically for temperature purpose.

Indicating devices

Using different types of indicators, it is possible to obtain a variety of gas meters including Paperless Recorder. The common indicators however are those which make use of multiple hands also known as pointer style or the digital readouts that are quite similar to that of the odometer.  Different types of remote readouts have also become popular like Smart Reader and Automatic meter reading.


To register gas volume that is consumed within acceptable accuracy degree, gas meters will have to be installed. If there is noticed any significant error within the registered volume, then it is likely to represent loss for the gas supplier.

Moreover, there are chances of the consumers getting overbilled for something they did not use. Accuracy is rather laid down within the location statute where the meter has been installed.

A procedure is to be specified by the statutory provisions to follow properly in case, meter accuracy is disputed for some reasons. SilverInstruments.Com can give a better idea of what is to be done and avoided.

The error that is permitted for the gas meter is around 2% (+ or -). Natural gas flow meter errors has been harmonised and the manufactured meters are to read within 3% (+ or -).

However, if customers dispute meter accuracy, then it has to be removed to be tested. This should be conducted by only an authorized meter examiner.

In case, the meter reads outside prescribed limits, then supplier is compelled to refund incorrectly measured amount to the consumer. If gas flow meter reading is found to be unreliable or not possible to be tested, then a settlement is negotiated between supplier and consumer.

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