Oral Hygiene and Cosmetic Dentistry: All You Need to Know

Oral Hygiene

The best way to make a good first impression is by having a pleasant smile. Having a good set of teeth not only helps in impressing others, but good oral hygiene is an important part of maintaining overall health. Sydney boasts of excellent dentist practices which can help one achieve the perfect smile. So for anyone planning on paying a visit to a Sydney based cosmetic dentist, here is a list of things to know about the basics of oral hygiene and cosmetic dentistry.

Why Is Oral Hygiene Important?

Oral hygiene is not just having clean teeth but extends beyond that. Poor oral hygiene affects the overall health of a person and can cause several health issues. It can lead to problems in the mouth such as cavities, gum disease, bad breath etc. It can also affect areas outside of the mouth and cause heart disease, stroke, chronic inflammation, diabetes etc. So it is important to maintain good dental hygiene and have regular dental checkups.

Difference Between a General Dentist and Cosmetic Dentist

Though all dentists specialize in oral health, there is a difference between a general dentist and a cosmetic dentist.

General dentists address problems associated with dental hygiene, pain and discomfort. They do not focus on any particular aspect of dental practice but provide overall services, which include procedures like root canals, teeth extraction, filling cavities etc. They are mainly concerned with preventive and restorative care and routine treatments.

Cosmetic dentists focus more on dental aesthetics. They improve the appearance of teeth by correcting the colour, position, shape, size, alignment of teeth according to the patient’s request. They also work on repairing broken, worn out, chipped, discoloured, stained teeth and fill in dental gaps to improve the appearance of a person.

Though both general and cosmetic dentists have the same training and can perform all basic procedures related to dental work, cosmetic dentistry is a more specialized field that focuses mainly on aesthetics and improving the appearance of a person through dental corrections.

Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Cosmetic dentists perform different procedures according to the patient’s need. Some of the procedures offered are

  • Cosmetic Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to fill up gaps and replace missing teeth. It is a metal device, usually made out of titanium. The implants are surgically placed in the jawbone and act as roots of missing teeth. These implants support crowns, bridges, denture, and other dental prostheses.

  • Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

This is one of the most common procedures done by cosmetic dentists. Stained and discoloured teeth are brightened and whitened through this method. This method is also known as teeth bleaching.

  • Cosmetic Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are used to cover the surface of teeth and enhance appearance. These are thin shells made of tooth coloured material and are bonded to the front of the teeth to change their colour, size, shape and appearance. They are made of porcelain and used to fix worn down, chipped, discoloured, misaligned teeth.

  • Cosmetic Teeth Shaping

Crooked, cracked and overlapping teeth are corrected through this procedure. In this technique, small amounts of enamel are removed to change the shape of the teeth and get the desired effect. It is also called dental contouring.

  • Cosmetic Tooth Bonding

In this procedure, tooth coloured composite resin is applied to the teeth to repair damage and even increase the size if needed.  It is a quick procedure that takes between half an hour to one hour to finish and does not need anaesthesia in most cases.

For detailed information on these procedures, contact a  Sydney based cosmetic dentist with all queries to learn more.