Power of Using Video in Your Sales Strategy

Power of Using Video in Your Sales Strategy

If you are updated with the latest digital marketing trends, you likely know that video is one of the best forms of content. Marketers often use it to deliver a high return on investment (ROI) and promote better user engagement. However, video is not just great for marketing—it’s also a helpful tool you should leverage in your sales strategy.

Nowadays, companies are turning to add to their sales funnel strategies offering solutions for using video in sales because of how powerful this tool is in closing sales. Videos today are not just used for product launches and demos but all stages of the sales cycle. If you are not too familiar with them, here is some information on why and how you should use video in sales.

Why You Should Use Video in Sales

In today’s digital and virtual world, videos stand out because they allow you to mimic real-life conversations where you talk with prospective clients face-to-face. Given the uncertainty of when you can return to in-person sales meetings, using videos can help you establish that same connection and stay in touch with your customers to maintain consistently high sales.

Now that people are using videos more than ever, it makes sense to incorporate this into your sales strategy. Aside from being able to recreate the direct contact experience, here are other reasons why you should use video in sales:

  • Visual. Videos are visual, allowing you to showcase and pitch your product more effectively.
  • Attention-Grabbing. Videos are more effective in catching users’ attention. Statistics show that 71% of salespeople find video emails to be more effective than text email.
  • Personalisable. Thanks to digital tools today, you can easily personalise videos to provide tailored messages for prospective clients. This allows you to stand out and create more memorable pitches or emails amid a pool of many other offers.
  • Engaging. Videos address one of the major pain points in the sales process: engagement. They are much more entertaining than pure text, so using videos in your sales emails can help increase open rates and responses.

How to Use Video in Sales

With so many available you can explore facilities providing solutions for using videos in sales, you might consider how your sales representatives can utilise them. To help you with this, here’s a quick guide outlining how you can use video in different stages of the sales cycle.

  • Prospecting

Videos are known to be highly effective in the initial prospecting stage, where your brand is still unknown, and you try to grab a user’s attention. You can introduce your company and value proposition, then add a call-to-action to direct interested users to the next stage.

  • Nurturing

Once you generate interest and start a conversation with users, you can nurture the lead by creating personalised videos. Here, the goal is to establish a deeper connection with the customer and explain your value proposition more in detail. At this point, you should sell your product or service and talk about how it addresses their pain points.

  • Closing

Even after securing a deal, you can use videos in the closing stage. At this point, videos are useful for walking clients through the contract terms and giving them details about contacting customer service.

Videos are undoubtedly powerful tools you can use to boost your sales and attract more customers. However, creating sales videos is not as straightforward as it sounds. The best video messages are authentic, engaging, and visually appealing, so you can look for tools to help you create high-quality videos for your clients.