The Biggest Benefits of Healthy Testosterone Levels

The Biggest Benefits of Healthy Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a hormone in the body. It is primarily produced in a man’s testicles, and for women in the adrenal glands and ovaries. The hormone is critical to the development of masculine characteristics and male growth. In women, testosterone is present in much smaller amounts.

According to Rise Men’s Health, the production of testosterone increases approximately 30 times or more during adolescence and in early adulthood. After someone reaches early adulthood, it is natural for a person’s levels to drop slightly every year. A man’s body will see about a one percent reduction in testosterone levels per year, after they reach the age of 30.

What Does Testosterone Do in the Body?

Testosterone works in many ways in a person’s body. It helps to increase muscle mass and bone health and aids in the development of pubic and facial hair. Testosterone can also affect a person’s mood, their sex drive, and the body’s development.

If someone is worried about low testosterone, they should schedule an appointment with their doctor. While it is natural for testosterone levels to drop as a person gets older, there are some symptoms, reduced muscle mass, and increased body fat that may indicate another issue in the body.

Sometimes, a person may want to boost testosterone levels if their doctor believes the individual is dealing with low levels or hypogonadism, or if they may benefit from testosterone replacement therapy for another condition. If someone has normal testosterone levels in their body, increasing testosterone may not provide any other benefits. The increased benefits that are listed below have only been officially researched in individuals who have confirmed low testosterone levels.

What Are the Specific Benefits of Increased Testosterone Levels?

There are multiple benefits offered by increasing a person’s testosterone levels. Some of the benefits are described here.

Healthier Heart and Blood

When a person’s heart is healthy, it pumps blood to the rest of their body without issue. This ensures their organs and muscles receive the oxygen needed for peak levels of performance. Also, testosterone helps the production of red blood cells through the individual’s bone marrow. If someone is dealing with low testosterone, they may be at risk for several cardiovascular problems.

The question is, though, can testosterone replacement therapy provide noticeable help with cases of heart disease? The results from studies related to this question have provided mixed results. In the early 2000s, small studies discovered that men who had heart disease and underwent testosterone therapy only experienced very small improvements. Others were able to increase their total walking distance by up to 33 percent. There was another study that hormone therapy only increased healthy arteries; however, there was no effect on someone who experienced angina pain.

More Muscle and Less Fat

Testosterone is responsible for building muscle mass. When someone has a leaner body mass, it can help control their weight while increasing energy levels. For men who have low testosterone, studies have proven that treatment may reduce total fat mass while increasing a person’s strength and size. There are some men who have reported a change in their lean body mass, but who did not increase their strength. It is likely that most men will see benefits when they combine testosterone therapy with exercise and strength training.

Stronger Bones

Many people do not realize that testosterone plays a significant role in the mineral density in bones. As a man ages, bone density decreases naturally and so do testosterone levels. This increases the likelihood of weaker bones and the development of osteoporosis. With strong bones, a person has support that is needed for their internal organs and muscles, which can help improve athletic performance.

According to research, bone density will increase with testosterone treatment if the dose given is high enough. Some clinical trials related to testosterone and how it affects bone density found there were increases in hip bone and spinal density. There was another study in women that were transitioning into males that found that testosterone actually increased the mineral density in bones. However, it is still not known if testosterone is beneficial for reducing the risk of a fracture.

Improved Mathematical Reasoning, Verbal Memory, and Spatial Abilities

Men who have higher levels of testosterone will have a reduced possibility of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, there is not any evidence that there is a correlation between thinking capabilities and testosterone. While this is true, testosterone treatment for men between the ages of 34 and 70 resulted in improved spatial memory.

Higher Libido

Levels of testosterone will go up in response to sexual activity and arousal. Men who have higher testosterone levels will usually engage in sexual activities more often than others. Men who are older, require higher levels of testosterone for erectile function and libido. While this is true, it is still important to note that cases of erectile dysfunction often occur because of other medications or conditions, not low levels of testosterone.

Some studies have shown that using testosterone therapy can improve a man’s sexual performance and health. It has also proven that there is a max amount of testosterone that can be given when there is no increased response, or any other benefits seen. If a man does not have hypogonadism, taking steps to increase testosterone may not be beneficial to their libido.

Schedule a Doctor Appointment for Diagnosis and Treatment

If someone believes they may benefit from testosterone treatment or that their levels are too low, they should schedule an appointment with their doctor. A doctor can provide the right testing to ensure the right diagnosis is made. Sometimes, the issue could be due to an underlying issue, rather than low testosterone, so it is always best to find out for sure before trying to determine the right treatment option. Being informed and knowing what to consider are the best ways to ensure the right treatment option is found and used for the condition that a person is dealing with.

, the production of testosterone increases approximately 30 times -; or more -; during adolescence and in early adulthood. After someone reaches early adulthood, it is natural for a person’s levels to drop slightly every year. A man’s body will see about a one percent reduction in testosterone levels per year, after they reach the age of 30.