The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Edibles

The cannabis-infused edibles market could be worth over $11.5 billion by 2025. And it is not hard to see why, thanks to the diverse types of edibles available.

Gone are the days of attempting to make weed brownies that do not entirely turn out how you expect. Now you have candy, cookies, popcorn, brownies, and much more ready to try.

So what are edibles, and where do you begin? It is essential to read a guide to edibles when you start to ensure you have the best experience. Everything from dosage to the kinds of edibles you choose can make or break the experience.

Whether you want a change from smoking cannabis or have never smoked, this guide is for you. Edibles are a different ball game and should be consumed responsibly. So keep reading for all you need to know to get the best experience taking edibles.

What Are Edibles?

Edibles are cannabis-infused food products. There are a variety of different food and drink options. And the list keeps growing!

Most edibles include either one or both active ingredients of marijuana. These are CBD (cannabidiol) or THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). They are often grouped under the name cannabinoids.

Active ingredients are the chemical substances absorbed into your bloodstream. They induce the effects of cannabis. Sometimes you may hear people discuss THC vs. CBD. CBD does not cause a high, whereas THC edibles do.

CBD edibles are non-psychoactive. They induce anxiety-relieving effects on the muscles and mind. Whereas THC is psychoactive, meaning you get the ‘high’ and feel more emotional effects.

Check packages, read descriptions, and ask in dispensaries about the edibles. This will help create a positive experience and one you desire.

What Do Edibles Taste Like?

Taste varies in different kinds of edibles. If you have a strong edible, you are more likely to taste the cannabis. However, edibles with strong flavors can mask the taste too.

So if you desire, you can find edibles that taste like their non-infused counterparts.

Take, for example, delta 8 gummies. They combine active ingredients and potency with no cannabis taste. You can do your research to see what flavor, potency, and type of edibles are right for you.

How Are Edibles Different From Smoking?

Firstly, how you consume edibles is different! Your body has to digest the edible, so absorption time is longer. Your lungs absorb the active ingredients of cannabis much faster when smoking.
 Consequently, the effects of edibles last longer and can take longer to kick in. Edibles can also be a lot stronger than smoking.
 It depends on what active ingredients are in what you are consuming too. For example, if you consume THC edibles, you could get munchies (increased appetite). In comparison, CBD helps with pain and anxiety.

What Kinds of Edibles Are There?

There are many types of edibles available. The effect will depend on whether they contain CBD or THC ingredients. And some include a combination of active ingredients.

And you can get everything from teas and sodas to cookies and popcorn! There are also powders and tinctures for sale.

What product you choose will depend on what you want from the edible. If it is for medicinal purposes, your doctor may recommend a particular product.

If it is for recreational purposes, you can read product descriptions to see what works for you. Many products will describe the intended effect. The description may state whether the product is uplifting or calming, for example.

How Long Do Edibles Take to Work?

On average, food-infused edibles can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to kick in. Liquid-infused edibles can be a lot faster than this and can take as little as 15 minutes.

However, external factors can also impact the time it takes to feel the edible working. Your metabolism and tolerance levels can also affect absorption time. Patience is key.

What Do the Effects Feel Like?

It depends on the types of edibles you consume as to what you feel. CBD edibles can ease your pain and anxiety. In contrast, THC edibles can have a more noticeable impact.

You may feel a body high. You can feel relaxed, and all your senses can be heightened.

You are also likely to feel hungry. Emotionally you may laugh, feel intense happiness, relaxation, or creativity.

If you take too many edibles, there can be nasty side-effects. You may vomit, feel sick, have heart palpitations, or your blood pressure may increase.
 You can also feel paranoid, anxious, or have hallucinations. It is unlikely for a fatal overdose unless you have pre-existing health conditions. But it can still feel scary.

When Does the Feeling Stop?

Studies have shown that the effects of edibles can last between four and twelve hours. Many people describe it as long-lasting and intense. THC edibles tend to give a much longer high than other forms of cannabis consumption.

It depends on how much you have consumed also. When you first try edibles, it is essential to be aware of dosing and start slow to have a good experience.

How Do I Get the Doses Right?

Some states have specific rules regarding the availability of products and recommended doses. But in general, it is recommended you start slow when taking edibles to build your tolerance.

Here are some guidelines for THC edibles that you can follow:

  • 2.5mg-5mg for first-time users and beginners
  • 5mg to 10mg for occasional users
  • 10mg to 15mg for regular or daily users

A general comparison is 1/2 gram joint of cannabis is the equivalent of eating a 10mg edible.

When you first try edibles, have patience! Wait 1-2 hours for food-infused edibles to kick in before you decide to eat anymore. It is easy to think the dose was not enough, but you could get a nasty surprise if you consume too much too early.

Eat the cookie slowly and pace yourself! And do not try some of the most potent edibles first to contain over 1,000mg of THC! Some people reach around 60mg, but this comes with time and tolerance levels.

If you have pre-existing mental health conditions, edibles could exacerbate symptoms. So consult with your medical professional for advice regarding doses and consumption.

I Took Too Much, What Do I Do?

When euphoria is replaced with paranoia, you know you have likely taken too much. The first thing is not to panic. Remain calm and take some deep breaths.

Move to a place you feel safe and stay there. Try eating and drinking plenty of fluids. Even smelling a grounding smell or strong smell like black pepper can help.

If you can sleep, go to bed. Alternatively, distract yourself. Watch something easy on television or listen to music if you are able.
 Keep repeating to yourself that you are okay and the feeling will pass. You can also have some CBD at hand, which can reduce the THC high.
 If you have any pre-existing health conditions, such as heart problems, call 911. If it is your first time taking cannabis and struggling to breathe, you could be allergic to it, so also head to ER.

But most importantly, remain calm and know this feeling will pass. Do not be hard on yourself. Many people learn how to dose the hard way from taking edibles and having a bad high.

What Are the Benefits of Taking Edibles?

Not inhaling cannabis is much better for your lung health. Cooking and eating do not create any carcinogens in your lungs like smoke can.

The fact you can select an edible with the effect you desire is also a benefit. Unlike smoking, you can take an edible without an induced high. But you still get the benefits of anxiety and pain relief.
 The benefit of selecting edibles’ effects differs from smoking. With smoking, you do not have as much control over what you will feel.

Taking edibles can also help you sleep, reduce inflammation and nausea. They are also discreet to consume and can taste nice too!

How Much Do Edibles Cost?

It depends on where you purchase your edibles, at a dispensary or online, for example. It also depends on doses and the types of edibles. An average price could be around $15-$30 for a pack of edibles, but this is changing all the time.

Also, remember low cost does not always equate to quality. The National Environmental Health Association considers ten areas of cannabis food safety. This includes testing, storage, and packaging of products that you can review.

However, state regulations vary, and it is best to research the company first. Choose products with clear labeling. Remember always to ask questions if you have any doubts.

Can You Make Edibles?

Yes! There are many recipes online for everything from kinds of butter to gummies.

Start with more straightforward recipes. And be sure to know your tolerance levels before you begin.

A positive of homemade edibles is that you can tailor them to your diets, such as a vegan or gluten-free diet.

If you are a beginner, include a low dose if you make your edibles to be on the safe side. Measure out all ingredients!

How Do You Store Edibles?

Keep edibles in airtight containers, such as glass jars. Ideally, place edibles in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

If they are fresh, edibles also wrap in tinfoil and place in the refrigerator to keep fresh. Plastic wrappers are said to ruin the taste and consistency. If you place edibles in the freezer, they can last months.

Do Edibles Expire?

Like regular food, edibles expire. Packaged edibles should have an expiry date printed on the packet.

And smell edibles, especially fresh edibles, before consuming. If the edibles smell off, it is best not to consume them.

Where Should I Consume Edibles?

The first time you take edibles, it might be nice to share the experience with an experienced friend. Someone you feel close to and can help guide you through the experience. This way, if anything goes wrong, you will have support.

Location is also essential to consider. When taking edibles, be sure to pick a place that makes you feel safe. You want a calm environment that you are familiar with.

Other Edible Tips

It is best not to take edibles on an empty stomach. You will absorb the edibles much faster, which sounds good but can lead to upset stomachs and bad highs. If you do have to take edibles on an empty stomach, start with a low dose to be on the safe side.

Never mix alcohol with edibles. It can increase the concentration of THC in your bloodstream and make you dehydrated. These are two factors that can lead to unpleasant experiences!

Studies show at least 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. When you take edibles, you may experience a dry mouth sensation. This can signal dehydration, but you may also be dehydrated without realizing it.

Plus, dehydration can mimic symptoms such as heart attacks and trigger constipation. So drink up before and during your edible consumption!

And of course, always consult a physician before consumption, and follow state regulations.

Save This Guide to Edibles

Taking edibles for the first time can feel overwhelming. But if you follow the advice in this guide to edibles, you will be on your way to a good experience. After all, edibles offer a gateway into the many benefits of marijuana in a flexible and personal way.

It is crucial to have patience and dose correctly. If you experience a bad high the first time, you may not want to try again. However, if it happens, refer back to this guide and see what you can do differently next time.

The edibles market is exploding for a reason. Many states and countries are legalizing medical and recreational cannabis. And types of edibles are continuing to grow.

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