The Phonak Lyric “Invisible” Hearing Aid: Should You Try It?

The Phonak Lyric

Around 15% of American adults have some hearing loss or troubles, with many turning to hearing aids for help.

For those who wear (or should wear) hearing aids, one of the biggest concerns is their appearance. Some worry that wearing hearing aids will make them look “old” or otherwise stand out.

Fortunately, there are more styles and types of hearing aids than ever before, including “invisible” hearing aids like the Phonak Lyric model. Learn more about these revolutionary hearing aids and if they’re right for you.

What Is the Phonak Lyric Hearing Aid?

For those looking for an invisible hearing aid, Phonak Lyric is a top choice.

These hearing aids are inserted deep into the ear, close to the eardrum, where they’re out of sight for at least three months at a time. You never have to worry about removing the hearing aids or charging any batteries. Instead, a specialist is responsible for replacing them in their office as needed.

This makes the Phonak Lyric model one of a kind compared to other hearing aids that are visible and must be manually adjusted and charged on a regular basis.

Benefits and Drawbacks

As one of the first invisible hearing aids, the Phonak Lyric offers the obvious benefit of being completely hidden from others. For those who are self-conscious about wearing a hearing aid, this is a major advantage.

There are other notable benefits too. For example, Phonak Lyric hearing aids offer tinnitus relief around the clock, since they’re worn continuously.

And the Phonak Lyric is also known for high-quality sound, making voices and environmental sounds sound natural and easy to detect. It also reduces wind noises and feedback.

But there are some drawbacks too. For one, the Phonak Lyric cost can quickly become too high for those on a tight budget. This is because these hearing aids require an annual subscription. You must pay for them each year in order to continue using the service.

Are They Right for You?

To find out if the Phonak Lyric is right for you, it’s best to visit your doctor first. They can tell you if these hearing aids are a good fit.

Some may be discouraged from using the Phonak Lyric, including those who have narrow ear canals, produce a lot of ear wax, or have severe hearing loss.

It also helps to check Phonak Lyric reviews like the one at Feedback from those who are familiar with these hearing aids can help you determine if they may be right for you.

Keep Your Hearing Aid Out of Sight

If you struggle with hearing issues but hate having a visible hearing aid, the Phonak Lyric hearing aids might be right for you. Talk to your doctor to learn more about these invisible hearing aids and how to start using them.

For more body and wellness advice, check out our other health articles!