This Is How to Use a Dab Rig the Right Way

This Is How to Use a Dab Rig the Right Way

Are you looking to use a dab rig to smoke your cannabis, but aren’t quite sure how to use it?

A dab rig, also known as a vapor rig, oil rig, or concentrate pipe, is similar to a bong. It filters concentrate vapor through water so you can smoke cannabis in a more efficient manner. 

If you need higher doses of THC to feel the right effects, or you’re a medical patient who needs instant relief from chronic pain or migraines, then dabbing might be for you. But, how do you use a dab rig?

Check out this guide to learn how to use a dab rig. 

What is a Dab Rig? 

As we mentioned earlier, a dab rig is similar to a bong. A dab rig is the chamber part of a glass pipe. This pipe is connected to a nail or banger that’s used for dabbing. A bong, on the other hand, is connected to a traditional bowl. 

Many people who are new to cannabis steer clear of dab rigs because of their upfront cost, the number of accessories required to operate them, and the techniques required to smoke cannabis correctly. However, the strong, streamlined effects of this device are why many people choose dabbing over other forms of cannabis consumption. 

Once you have the dabbing process down, using a dab rig is efficient and easy. The modern-day dab pipe usually comes with a nail, a glass piece, a torch, a dabber, and a carb cap. 

How Do Dabs Work? 

Dabbing is one of the most popular methods for consuming marijuana, largely due to the powerful high and flavor-packed experience it provides. 

Dabs are made by extracting terpenes and cannabinoids out of plant material. The word dab is used to describe any type of cannabis concentrate, and it can include products such as shatter, wax, crumble, sauce, and budder. The word dab is also used to refer to the actual concentrate dose. 

The word dabbing, on the other hand, is the process of consuming a dab by vaporizing it and then inhaling the vapor. The key to tapping into the benefits of dabs is to consume them the right way. To do this, you need to use a set of specialized tools to properly vaporize your dabs. These tools are known as a dab rig. 

Gather the Right Components 

To use a dab rig correctly, you first need to gather the right components. Here are all of the tools you need for your dab rig:

Dab Rig

A dab rig is a device that’s used for consuming cannabis concentrates. You can buy a dab rig from your local smoke shop or dispensary. You can find dab rigs for as low as $30 to as much as $700. 


Another component you need is a nail. When dabbing, you heat up the nail with a torch, and once the nail is hot, you place the concentrate in the nail to smoke it.

Nails can be heated at temperatures up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. A dab nail is sometimes referred to as a banger. There are several different nail materials to choose from, including:

Titanium: This material heats up quickly and retains heat very well. It’s also known for being very durable. However, after extended use, the device may build up titanium oxide, which can compromise the performance of the dag rig. If you decide to purchase a titanium nail, look for one that has a medical-grade 2 rating. 

Quartz: While quartz heats up rapidly, it also loses heat fairly quickly. However, quartz banger is known for being very clean, and it doesn’t leach contaminants 

Ceramic: Like quartz, ceramic is also known for being very clean and not leaching contaminants. While ceramic takes the longest to heat up, once it’s hot, it does the best job at retaining heat. However, ceramic is a very fragile material that’s prone to breakage. 

Glass: Glass nails heat up quickly and hold heat well. While glass nails are very affordable, they’re also prone to breaking and can sometimes shatter at high temperatures. 

If you don’t want to heat the nail manually, you can also opt for an e-nail. This device allows you to choose a precise temperature. Then, the nail is heated electronically to the exact temperature of your choosing. 


This is a tool that’s used to remove the dab from a concentrate container. After removing, you can use the dabber to place the dab inside the banger or nail to begin the vaporization process. 


You’ll also need a torch to heat up the nail. You should opt for a butane torch, as propane torches burn a really hot flame that can damage the nail. 

Carb Cap

A carb cap is also made from glass, quartz, titanium, or ceramic. This tool works to lower the pressure of the nail by trapping the heat and lowering the vaporization temperature. 

How to Use a Dab Rig 

Once you’ve gathered all of your tools, it’s time to put your dab rig to use. Here’s what you need to do to use a dab rig:

  1. Fill the base of your rig with enough water to submerge the down stem (this water helps filter and cool the vapor)
  2. Use your torch to heat up the nail. If it’s a brand new quartz nail, you’ll need to season it by heating up the nail until it turns red. 
  3. Allow for the nail to cool down. While this may sound counterintuitive, the nail needs to cool a bit so it doesn’t scorch the dab. How long you need to wait for the nail to cool will depend on its thickness and material. Ideally, you want the nail to be between 300 and 450 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  4. Place the dab on the nail’s surface and begin to slowly inhale the vapor. 
  5. If you can, place a carb cap on the nail to allow for better vaporization of the dab while inhaling. 
  6. Immediately after inhaling, exhale the dab vapor. You don’t need to hold in the vapors before exhaling, as your body is able to soak up the cannabinoids and terpenes without you holding in the vapors. 

You can inhale and repeat until you’re satisfied with your high. 

Are You Ready to Use a Dab Rig? 

Now that you know how to use a dab rig, it’s time to start dabbing. Pretty soon, you’ll be a professional dabber. 

Be sure to check back in with our blog for more cannabis-related news and tips.