Top 4 Ways to Fix Netgear Orbi RBR20 Speed Issues

Netgear Orbi RBR20 router provides wireless coverage of up to 2,000 square feet. However, with additional Orbi AC satellites, this coverage can be extended to create a mesh WiFi system. Although the Orbi router comes with a lot of amazing features, yet it is prone to several technical issues. One such issue is Netgear Orbi RBR20 speed issue.

In the event that you are struggling with the Orbi RBR20 speed issue, this troubleshooting guide will help you out. Here, you will learn different ways to get rid of the issue permanently. Continue reading.

Fix: Orbi RBR20 Speed Issue

1. Check the Placement of Your Router

Before you move forward to the troubleshooting tips, it’s better to check the placement of your Orbi router first. Be sure that your router is centrally placed, away from interference-creating objects like metal doors, aluminum studs, Bluetooth speakers, cordless phones, baby monitors, etc.

What’s more, the area where you place your Orbi router should be clean and neat. On the off chance if your Orbi router is not placed properly, you are going to experience orbilogin issues.

2. Power Cycle Your Orbi Router

Another way to get rid of the Netgear Orbi RBR20 speed issue is to power cycle your router. All you need to do is simply unplug your Orbi router from the wall socket, wait for some time, and then re-plug the RBR20 router into an electrical outlet.

Once done, check whether you are still getting the Orbi RBR20 speed issue.

3. Run a Speed Test

Check the speed of your WiFi connection by running a speed test. If it is showing slower speed than expected, maybe you are not getting enough WiFi speed from your ISP’s end. In such a case, contact your Internet Service Provider to fix the issue. You can also upgrade your internet plan as per your WiFi requirements.

4. Update Your Orbi Router Firmware

Still struggling with the Netgear Orbi RBR20 speed issue? Well, updating the Orbi router firmware can help you out. Follow the below-given steps to update the firmware of your Orbi RBR20 router:

  • Plug your Orbi router into a wall socket and power it on.
  • On your computer, launch your preferred web browser.
  • Type orbilogin com in the URL bar.
  • Press the Enter key.
  • The Netgear Orbi admin login window will prompt up.

Quick Tip: On the off chance if not working for you, delete cache, cookies, and browsing history from your web browser. Also, update the web browser’s version to the most recent version to get rid of the issue.

  • Insert the username and password into the mentioned fields.
  • Hit Log In.
  • Once logged in, click on the Firmware Update section.
  • In the event that there is a new firmware version available for your Orbi router, download and install it right away.

Kudos! You have successfully updated your Netgear Orbi RBR20 router firmware.

These were some of the best ways to resolve the Netgear Orbi RBR20 speed issue. Do you know any other way to get rid of the WiFi connectivity issue? Feel free to share that with your fellow readers through the comments section.