Top 5 Apps To Help You Manage Your Finances

Top 5 Apps To Help You Manage Your Finances

As technology continues to progress, so does the ease of aspects of life that were once difficult and convoluted. Kindles provide a seasoned traveller to be able to carry a plethora of reading material that would have been a bulky part of luggage, while iPhones and tablets allow people to receive and send information anywhere in the world that otherwise would have been impossible to do so quickly just a few years ago.

With such easy ways to obtain technology these days, there was going to be an inevitable foray into the world of finance. There are apps for pretty much everything now so it was always going to be a logical step to create ones that could help even the casual investor keep tabs on their finances. Listed below are 5 popular apps, in no particular order, that people are using to manage their finances, no matter where they are.

Simplifi by Quicken

With a 30-day free trial and an annual price of around $48USD ($3.99 monthly) this app helps you keep track of your spending and can help create a personalised spending plan. You need to connect it to your bank account where it will keep track of your spending and your monthly bills. All this is needed to give you a better insight as to where your money is going and what you can do to create better spending habits.


This free app is an easy-to-use faculty that helps you monitor your credit situation and keep track of your day-to-day spending as well as help you manage your utility payments. It’s not as immersive as other finance apps but it does provide a basic service that can help you organize your spending and give you some peace of mind. Again, the app is free, so there really is nothing to lose with downloading it onto your device.

Personal Capital

This app is very popular for people who want to follow their investments online but also has other financial tools that can be utilized to help with retirement planning, visualizing your net worth, and finding out what financial plans best suit you and your situation. There are options to review interests to invest in Australian stocks as well as other endeavours and the app also provides top-notch security including password protection and ongoing system checks to make sure the app is always up to standard.

You Need A Budget

YNAB is a monthly paid app that helps provide information that will help you pay off your debts. It is designed to help you create a working budget for you based on the information you provide. It is not exactly cheap coming in at about $15USD a month but it could perhaps get you in the clear in the long run, provided you continue to use this resource. And maybe the price might give you an incentive to work more diligently at getting out of debt.


If you have a problem with overspending then this app is for you. It essentially helps you track your spending and provides useful information on how to curb any overspending using an algorithm based on your income, expenses, and spending habits. Apps like this can help you get a handle on what can be a potential future problem from overspending and not budgeting correctly.