Top Three Australian Natural Skincare Products

Natural Skincare

Every nation has its own unique set of beauty tips and secrets that have been passed down through generations. The land of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, is no different. This article will talk about Australian natural skincare tips that have withstood the test of time.

One reason why Australian natural skincare methods have become timeless is their organic ingredients and low maintenance routines.

Why should natural skincare products be used?

Natural skincare products are:

  1. Safe on Skin- The usual skepticism associated with synthetic beauty products can completely be brushed off while using natural ones. Most natural skincare products are delicate on the skin, and hence the chance for an allergic reaction is often significantly less. 
  2. Cruelty-free products- Most of the popular skincare brands test their products on animals. The hazardous effect it can have on animals is very often ignored. Natural skincare products aren’t tested on animals, and hence switching to these organic products is a great way to ensure that you aren’t involved in this crime.
  3. No side effects- Synthetic skin care products contain many chemicals like triclosan. Even though they can perform the function a product claims, the chances of side effects are quite high. But on using natural products, the risk of side-effects doesn’t occur.
  4. Environment friendly- Lab-made chemicals used in synthetic skin care products can harm the environment and hence leave a negative carbon footprint. Natural skincare products don’t harm the environment as it is essentially made from nature.

Following are some highly effective Australian Natural Skincare products to include in your current skincare routine.

  1. Chamomile for face- Chamomile, known for its skin regenerative properties, will give a healthy glow to one’s skin if used regularly. Vested with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, chamomile can soothe irritated skin on regular use. It is also known to regulate oil production on the face and hence helps one achieve oil and acne-free skin. Any natural skincare product based on chamomile can be used to achieve these results. Many Australian skincare brands produce a wide range of chamomile-based products like night creams, face moisturisers, etc.
  2. Coconut oil for skin and hair- Coconut oil can rightly be called the magic potion for a forever youth. Bestowed with innumerable benefits, coconut oil is a major ingredient in a wide range of natural beauty products. It is used in many natural body scrubs, and body washes for its anti-bacterial properties. 

Fatty acids in coconut oil make it an ideal product to combat aging by protecting the skin by making it hydrated and moisturised. Being rich in Vitamin E, coconut oil is best to treat dry skin.

This magic ingredient is also known for stimulating hair growth. In many parts of the world, coconut oil is used as a hair oil as the fatty acids in it unclog hair follicles to guarantee luscious healthy locks. It is also used to treat dandruff.

3. Organic Shea Butter for Skin- Organic Shea Butter is a perfect natural ingredient for moisturising your skin and healing acne scars. Applying shea butter at night and keeping it overnight is a great way to prepare your skin for the next day. The butter seeps into the skin, leaving a healthy, glowing, and hydrating effect on the skin. These benefits make it an essential ingredient in most Australian natural skincare moisturisers and lip balms.

Incorporating these natural products into a skincare routine is a great way to bring that remarkable change to your skin and environment.