Types of Smartwatches: A Quick Guide

Types of Smartwatches

Not that long ago, watches used to be a simple accessory. They served one essential function: telling time. Some had links for their wristbands, while others had leather straps.

Eventually, the market produced digital watches. Beyond that, though, there wasn’t a ton of variety. Now, though, the market has seen a drastic change. 

In the last few years, several types of smartwatches emerged on the market. Now, if you want a watch, you have dozens of options, each specializing in different features. 

So, when choosing a smartwatch, many people need some help. If that describes you, you’re in luck! In this guide, we’ll give a brief overview of the best smartwatches. 

Fitness-Centered Types of Smartwatches

One of the first types of smartwatches to emerge was fitness-focused watches. The first fitness smartwatch to catch fire was the Fitbit, which monitored heart rates, footsteps, etc.

These smartwatches have a slim aesthetic to help you work out to your best performance. They’re also lightweight watches, using aluminum and plastic materials instead of stainless steel. The watches often have music storage and Bluetooth capabilities. 

Luxury Smartwatches

If you’re a fan of big, fashionable timepieces, a luxury smartwatch is an ideal option for you. Many classic Swiss watchmakers have switched to creating smartwatches to remain relevant in the market. 

Luxury smartwatches and general use smartwatches may not have many differences between their operating systems. Their primary variations tend to be aesthetic. There’s also a significant price difference since the luxury watch comes from a premium brand. 

GPS Smartwatches

Do you love hiking, bicycling, or rock climbing? Is a day spent outside your idea of time well spent? 

If so, you may think that the fitness smartwatch is the best model for you. However, you may find that a GPS smartwatch provides the best features for you. This watch helps you to navigate and track your progress. 

In the old days, this was the primary purpose of a GPS watch. Now, though, several other smart features exist in these timepieces. They have notification mirroring and several fitness apps to help maximize your outdoor experience.

Hybrid Smartwatches

A hybrid smartwatch functions like a traditional analog watch face. However, they also have a processor and onboard sensors. Like most smartwatches, they also connect to your smartphone.

Like many other options, these watches also track your workouts and heart rates. Most hybrid smartwatches don’t have much touchscreen usage; instead, you rely on your phone to set up the watch.

So, if this option doesn’t have much touchscreen interaction, do they offer other benefits to compensate? One answer to this is that they provide much better battery life. A hybrid smartwatch can go much longer without charging than other models.

If you’d like to find some of the best smartwatch options, check out Garmin today. They offer a wide variety of watches in different styles. 

Finding the Best Smartwatch

As you can see, there are several types of smartwatches to meet every need. So, don’t hesitate; start your smartwatch search today!

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