Uncharted Land In China With Dinosaurs – Know In Detail

Uncharted Land In China With Dinosaurs - Know In Detail

The term “Uncharted Land In China With Dinosaurs Discovered” refers to a widely circulated hoax and conspiracy theory that states that over 13-foot-tall dinosaur-like creatures have been found in China on an unknown territory. The myth started on TikTok in February 2023 when user @ravenguru2 uploaded a video in which she claimed to have heard the rumor while watching Chinese news at a nail salon. She then used her phone to translate the video.

The TikToker said that the government is attempting to silence her for disclosing the information after releasing her first video. Three days after disclosing the information about the unknown region, she claimed that a helicopter was hovering over her apartment. Despite the video and the rumors that went viral online in the following weeks, there have been no verified reports of dinosaurs being discovered on Chinese soil.

Origin- Dinosaurs That Live In China

In a video uploaded on February 6th, 2023, TikToker @ravenguru2 makes the allegation that “dinosaur-like creatures” over 13 feet tall have been found in China, an undiscovered country. She describes in the video how she was at a manicure salon when she noticed the Chinese staff members watching Chinese news. The TikToker, who was curious about what was being reported on the news, translated the story about the supposedly undiscovered land discovery using the translate option on her phone.

The TikToker says she spoke with the staffer to confirm the translation. In addition, she claims that people are “really freaking out” since experts don’t know how the dinosaurs track prey and that there may be dozens or even millions of them. In just two weeks, the film had over 700,000 views.

Uncharted Land In China With Dinosaurs YouTube- Did Dinosaur Live In China

The same TikToker, who broke the story on February 16, provided a video update on the subject, entitled “the government is trying to silence me,” and gave an explanation for her absence from the platform thereafter. She states in the video that she lives in a rural region and that God is calling her to share the story.

She describes how she was asleep in her bed three days after uploading the first video when she was startled awake by powerful vibrations. She says she felt sensations in her flat and that there was a helicopter flying over it. Then, as seen on the left below, she says she has additional information to give from the manicure salon. In just five days, the video had over 150,000 views.

Does China Have Dinosaurs?

She shared more details about the purported undiscovered location in another video that she uploaded to TikTok later that day. She describes in the movie how two expeditions of explorers visited the area to do research. A few researchers from the initial mission were never able to return. The survivors reported seeing “so many new creatures,” including flying and aquatic species as well as huge pandas. She adds that they discovered two additional dinosaur fossils.

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In a video uploaded on February 6th, 2023, TikToker @ravenguru2 makes the allegation that “dinosaur-like creatures” over 13 feet tall have been found in China, an undiscovered country. She describes in the video how she was at a manicure salon when she noticed the Chinese staff members watching Chinese news.


  1. Did any dinosaurs live in China?

    Numerous dinosaur remains have been discovered in China, indicating that these animals formerly lived here. Mamenchisaurus bones were discovered in strata dating back 162 million years in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of northwest China in 1987. Mamenchisaurus was the dinosaur with the longest neck.

  2. Did China really find a dinosaur egg?

    At the Qinglong Mountain National Nature Reserve for Dinosaur Egg Fossils, during preservation work on a previously excavated nest, researchers in Shiyan, Hubei province, recently discovered three crystallized dinosaur egg fossils.

  3. Did Dinosaur Live In China?

    The term “Uncharted Land In China With Dinosaurs Discovered” refers to a widely circulated hoax and conspiracy theory that states that over 13-foot-tall dinosaur-like creatures have been found in China on an unknown territory.