What Are the Benefits of Magnesium Complex?

What Are the Benefits of Magnesium Complex?

Magnesium is a mineral that is important to our health. For instance, it may help to regulate inflammation, a factor in psychological disorders.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Magnesium or magnesium complex, may support premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. PMS is a common condition affecting about 80 percent of women during their reproductive years. Of those affected, up to 40% experience severe symptoms. Magnesium may help to regulate the stress hormone cortisol. It may also have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. This means it may help ease symptoms like headaches and mood swings.

Migraine Headaches

It is not clear exactly how magnesium benefits migraine headaches, but it may reduce the intensity and/or frequency of migraines.  Perhaps, migraineurs have lower levels of magnesium than healthy people. Researchers believe that magnesium may block the chemical messengers that cause pain. 

Heart Health

The heart may need a certain amount of magnesium to work properly, and taking a magnesium supplement may improve your heart health. This mineral helps with hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It also may help to maintain a regular heartbeat and normal blood pressure. It also may play a role in glycemic control, which is important for people with diabetes. The association between magnesium and heart disease is not well understood. The most common cause of heart disease is high cholesterol levels, but magnesium may possibly also impact heart health—at this time, most treatments for heart disease target cholesterol.

Blood Pressure

Magnesium is an essential nutrient in the body that may lower blood pressure. Magnesium is found in foods like dark green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, and whole grains. It can also be found in dark chocolate. Other lifestyle changes can also help lower your blood pressure, including reducing salt intake and staying physically active. However, remember that these tips are not a substitute for medical care.

Muscle Activity

Magnesium is a vital mineral for the body, needed for normal bone growth and nerve and muscle function. It also may help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. It also may help the heart beat regularly. More than half of the body’s magnesium is stored in bones, with the rest in other tissues and organs. Taking magnesium supplements is an excellent way to get this essential mineral into your daily diet. However, it’s important to get the right dose to benefit from magnesium. Magnesium supports muscle activity and growth. It also may help to regulate stress hormone levels. 

Cardiovascular Function

Magnesium is a nutrient that may improve cardiovascular function. Magnesium may be necessary for the vascular endothelium, which lines the arterial walls, promotes vasodilation when needed, and inhibits blood clotting. When the endothelial function is impaired, a condition known as atherosclerosis develops. This condition impairs normal endothelial function and increases the risk of clot formation, leading to a heart attack. Magnesium may possibly improve cardiac function by relaxing blood vessel muscles. Primarily, it may help by lowering elevated blood pressure.