What Are the Causes of Incontinence in Women?

What Are the Causes of Incontinence in Women?

How’s the mood down there?

Women often suffer from some kind of bladder control issue. While men have their own set of urinary issues and problems, incontinence is more common among women during their childbearing years.

It’s vital that women understand the various symptoms and signs of bladder control issues so that they can seek treatment at the earliest possible sign of a problem.

Let’s explore the common causes of incontinence in women and what you can do to prevent or correct the problem.

Childbirth and Pregnancy

The process of childbirth and pregnancy can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and help to keep it closed. When these muscles are weakened, it can cause the bladder to leak urine.

In some cases, this leakage can become severe enough to require the use of absorbent pads or other products. It may only happen occasionally in other cases, such as when coughing or sneezing. 


At the menopause stage, the levels of the hormone estrogen in the body drop sharply, which can lead to changes in the tissues of the urinary system.

This can make the muscles that control urine flow weaker, and the tissues around the urethra less elastic. This can cause urine to leak out during physical activity. 

Urinary Tract Infections

When a Urinary Tract Infection is present, it can lead to urinary incontinence.

UTIs are caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract and multiply. This can happen when the bladder or urethra is not emptied completely, allowing bacteria to grow.

Overexertion of the Pelvic Floor

The overexertion of the pelvic floor is also one of the causes of incontinence. This is a set of muscles that support the uterus, bladder, and rectum. These muscles can be weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, and age.

When the pelvic floor muscles are weak, they can’t support the organs, and urine or feces can leak out.

If you think you need help with incontinence, click here to learn more about pelvic floor physiotherapy and see if it will be the best treatment for you!

Systemic Diseases

There are a number of different systemic diseases that can lead to incontinence in women. These include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.

Certain medications can also contribute to incontinence. For example, diuretics can cause increased urination, while tranquilizers and sedatives can cause relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

In some cases, incontinence may also be the result of nerve damage.

Learn About Incontinence in Women Today

There are many potential causes of incontinence in women and it is important to understand them before it’s too late. While incontinence in women can be a nuisance, there are treatments available that can help reduce or eliminate the symptom.

If you’re experiencing incontinence, it is important to speak to your doctor to rule out other potential causes and to discuss treatment options.

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