Why Supplement With Fish Oil – 5 Reasons

Omega 3 plays a substantial role in many functions of the body, be it the muscles’ activity or the growth of cells. The body doesn’t make omega 3. So, one has to get it from either food or supplement. Let us see why one needs to start supplementing with fish oil. 

  1. EPA and DHA: There are two kinds of omega 3 in fish oil: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). We can get EPA and DHA from our diet through fatty fish such as salmon and trout, shellfish, and crabs. Wild fish have more omega-3 than farmed fish. One can meet the omega-three requirements of the body by eating two servings of fatty fish per week. However, if you cannot eat much fish, or follows a vegetarian diet, supplementing fish oil is the only way to get EPA and DHA. If you have reservations about consuming fish oil, you may want to go in for a plant-based supplement like flaxseed oil. But flaxseed oil contains the omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which must be converted to the EPA and DHA. But the problem is that more often than not, our body is unable to make this conversion.  
  2. Reduces blood pressure: Many studies have shown that fish oil supplements help lower blood pressure in patients with moderate to high blood pressure. Though there are debates on the exact mechanism through which this happens, one reason is the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil. A second theory is that the blood-thinning effect of fish oil allows the blood to be pumped more efficiently throughout the body, thereby exerting less pressure on the heart. But the evidence has shown that the drop in blood pressure was enough to go off blood pressure medications in some cases and reduce the dosage of medicines in others.
  3. High triglyceride: Many well-documented reports show that fish oil supplements have significantly helped reduce triglycerides and improve High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol). Taking a therapeutic dose of fish oil under your doctor’s supervision can help lower triglycerides in some cases in as little as a month.
  4. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid Arthritis causes inflammation in the body. It is an autoimmune disease that causes damage to the joint tissues. Fish oil is anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that fish oil supplements have helped reduce pain, improve morning stiffness, and relieve tenderness of joints in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Depression: Some studies indicate that fish oil supplements may help in mental health conditions like depression, ADHD, etc. Omega-3 fatty acids form a substantial part of nerve cell membranes. These fatty acids influence the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin and control the way cells communicate with each other. Changes in levels of dopamine and serotonin can contribute to depression in some individuals. Some studies have corroborated this by showing that individuals diagnosed with depression had lower omega3 fatty acids than those who did not have depression. However, one must remember that there is no single treatment for mental health disorders like depression. So fish oil cannot be used as a magic bullet. Fish oil can be supplemented alongside other treatments like therapies, prescribed medications, and a healthy diet and lifestyle.

While buying a fish oil supplement, make sure that the fish oil pill or liquid supplement has gone through rigorous testing for environmental contaminants and heavy metals like mercury. Fish oil of good quality is in natural triglyceride form which allows for quick absorption. As with any natural food, this form is prone to spoiling fast. Also, fish oil may deplete vitamin E. Hence it needs to be stabilized with vitamin E and rosemary oil. Check if the supplement you buy contains vitamin E.

Secondly, buy a fish oil supplement from a trustworthy source like fitnesstrack.com, which directly orders the manufacturer. Counterfeit supplements have infiltrated the market. Expired products are repackaged as new and stolen products are released without quality control. That is why it is crucial to buy from a reliable source who has bought it directly from the manufacturer and eliminated intermediaries, reducing the risk of passing through many hands. Nothing stated above should be taken as medical advice or replacement for medical advice. Though fish oil supplements are considered safe to be taken in recommended dosages, it is necessary to consult a medical professional if you are pregnant or taking any prescribed medication. Fish oil is a blood thinner and can interact with some prescription medications and blood-thinning medications. Avoid fish oil if you are allergic to fish or shellfish