Common Symptoms of a Food Allergy or Intolerance to Watch For

Common Symptoms of a Food Allergy or Intolerance to Watch For

Did you know that with so many people being allergic to certain foods, a few things are bound to happen? Some people have a bad reaction when trying to eat the food they’re allergic to, while others develop an intolerance to that food.

Luckily, we’re here to help. In this article, we’re going to talk about common symptoms of a food allergy. That way you know how to identify if someone has allergies, or if they’re just trying to get out of eating the food by saying they’re allergic.

Are you ready to find out the truth? Then you better keep reading.

Symptoms of a Food Allergy

There are a few common symptoms that you should watch for. If you experience any of these after eating, it’s important to see your doctor to rule out an allergy or intolerance.

Itching or Swelling in the Mouth

Itching is a symptom of a food allergy and intolerance. It can be localized to one area, such as the mouth or throat, or can be generalized all over the body.

This can be an early sign of an allergy to a particular food. If you notice this, it’s important to get rid of the allergen immediately from your diet.

Hives or Itching 

Hives are raised, red, itchy welts that can appear anywhere on the body. They are often a sign of an allergic reaction, but can also be caused by other conditions like stress or viral infections.

Swelling or Tingling in the Throat

Swelling or tingling in the throat is a common symptom of a food allergy or intolerance. Sometimes, the swelling can be so severe that it can obstruct the airway and cause difficulty breathing. 

Difficulty Breathing

This can be a sign of anaphylaxis, which is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction. If you have trouble breathing, you should seek medical attention immediately and get tested for a food allergy or intolerance.

Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are all serious symptoms that can indicate food intolerance. This can be a sign that your body is struggling to digest the food you’re eating, and it’s important to pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods.

If you notice that you always feel sick after eating a particular food, it’s worth eliminating that from your diet to see if your symptoms improve.

Foods to Avoid if You Have Allergy or Intolerance

There are certain foods that you should avoid if you have a food allergy or intolerance. These include eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, and fish. Milk can also be a cause which you can read more about in this article on modified milk ingredients

If you are allergic or intolerant to any of these, it is important to read food labels carefully and avoid any products that contain these ingredients.

Manage Allergies and See a Doctor

If you experience any of the common symptoms of a food allergy or intolerance, it is important to see a doctor and get a diagnosis. Food allergy causes serious and even life-threatening conditions, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Did you enjoy this article? Head over to the health and fitness section of our blog. You’ll find great articles on how to stay healthy and happy!